1. 了解一般过去时主要表示在过去的时间内和与过去的时间有联系的时间内发生的动作或存在的状态,一般过去时常与一些表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday, last (Monday)等等。
2. 掌握一般过去时中的谓语动词的过去式。知道实意动词的过去式的构成,一般情况在动词后面加ed。但也有一些不规则的情况。例如:go-went come-came be动词的过去式如下:
    was    are were
坐上火车去拉萨dj is
3. 掌握一般过去时的陈述句肯定形式
例:1 went to mygrandmother's house yesterday. 
4. 掌握一般过去时的陈述句的否定形式:   
一般过去时的陈述句的否定形式:to be, to have, there be句型直接在动词后加not
To do句型的否定句在动词前加did not(didn't),动词变为原形
5. 掌握一般过去时的一般疑问句及回答: 
一般过去时的一般疑问句,to beto havethere be句型直接将动词提前即可,to do句型用did开头,动词变回原形,原句不变,句尾改问号。答句用YesNo
6. 掌握一般过去时的特殊疑问句:
在一般过去时各种句型的变换中,我们要用到助动词did余奕沛微博,did( not),在助动词后面的动词要用原形。例如:Did you go to the park last Sunday? NoI didn't. 动词的过去式有许多不规则的变化,需要同学们在学习中边学边记,注意积累。
Part 1
周放1. 读一读下列动词和它的过去式,说说它们的中文含义
look-looked    say-said
am-was    are-were
shout-shouted    do-did
go-went    cut-cut
get-got    see-saw
2. 说一说上个星期的下列时间,你做过些什么?
3.    写出下列单词的一般过去式
(1) is                 (2) are                  (3) have        
(4) get            (5) listen            (6)swim   
(7) ask            (8) jump   
4. 选出听到的句子
(    ) (1)  A.  I went to the park last Friday.
B.    I went to the zoo last Friday.
C.    I wanted to go to the park last Friday.
(      ) (2)  A.  It was rainy yesterday.
B.    It was raining yesterday.
C.    It was not rainy yesterday.
(    ) (3)    A.  I ate a cake yesterday morning.
B.    I ate a cake yesterday afternoon.
C.    I ate an egg yesterday morning.
(      ) (4)  A. He was a teacher in 1998.
B.    He was a pupil in 1998.
C.    He was a teacher in 1989.
(    ) (5)  A.  I worked in a school last month.
B.    I walked to school last month.
C.    I worked near a school last month.
(      ) (6)  A. We had eight Chinese lessons last week.
B.    We had eight Chinese lessons this week.
C.    We didn't have eight Chinese lessons last week.
5. 听短文,选词填空
began,  wet,  home,  didn't,  Sunday,  was,  ran,  took,  tired,  last
Last        afternoon, it        to rain very hard on my way          .  I            soon very      because I       
        bring my umbrella.  I          in the rain. At I was very              .  I          a taxi home.
6. 仿照例句,将下列一般现在时态的句子改为一般过去时
例:  I go to school every day.                I went to school yesterday.
(1) The boy gets up early every day.                                   
                                    Yesterday morning.
(1) We go to the park once a week.
                                    last Sunday.
(3)    My father plays football every day.
(4) Lily and Lucy wash their clothes by themselves.   
                                    this morning.
(5) Mr White cleans his kitchen every day.
                                        the day before yesterday.
7. 阅读文章回答问题
It was a sunny day last Saturday. We went an outing on that day. In the morning, we took a bus to go to the zoo.
We saw many animals in the zoo.  Look at those monkeys.  They were running and jumping all the time. Then we had a picnic. We sat on the grass. We ate a lot of food.  It was 4 o'clock. We went home together. We had a good time that day.
(1)  What day was that day?
欧美轻音乐(2)  Did you go to the park or zoo?
(3)  What did you see in the zoo?
(4)  Did you have lunch in the zoo?
(5)  When did you go home?
I want a clean plate
Peter was ten years old. One day his friend Paul asked him to come to his birthday party. Before Peter left home, his mother said to him, "Be sure to be polite at the party, dear! Don't ask for this or that, don't be greedy!" "All right, Mum." answered Peter.
There were a lot of children at Paul's party. Paul's mother gave them some delicious food to eat, but she forgot to give Peter. Peter waited politely, but only a few minutes. Then he held his plate up in the air and said loudly, "Does someone want a clean plate? I have one!" Paul's mother saw him and his empty plate, she said at once. "Oh, sorry, I forgot you!"
(      ) (1) Paul went to Peter's birthday party.
(    ) (2) Peter's mother asked him to be polite at the party.
(    ) (3) Peter's mother gave the children some food to eat.
(    ) (4) Peter waited for the empty plate for a few minutes.
(    ) (5) Paul's mother didn't give Peter any food at first because she forgot.
(    ) (6) Peter held up his plate in the air because he wanted to eat.
(    ) (7) Paul's mother wanted an empty plate because she wanted to eat.