- Coffee. - Thank you.  -咖啡  -谢谢
- Cappuccino. - Grazie.  -卡布其诺  -谢谢[意大利语]
And a nice, hot cider for Monica.  这杯美味的热苹果汁是莫妮卡的
Thank you.  谢谢
Rach, why does my cinnamon stick have an eraser?  瑞秋  为何我的肉桂棒上有橡皮擦
That's why.  原来是这样
Sorry.  对不起
Chandler?  钱德勒
Miss Tedlock, you look lovely today.  泰洛克小  你今天真漂亮
May I say that is a very flattering sleeve length on you.  我能说你这袖口长度真显身材吗
Mr. Costilick would like you to stop by his office today.  科斯特力克先生希望你下班后到他办公室去
If it's about those prank memos,  如果他是为搞笑备忘录的事
I had nothing to do with them, really.  那绝不是我干的  真的
Hey, you guys!  各位,
Chandler's coming and he has incredible news.  钱德勒马上来  他说有天大的好消息
foolagainSo when he gets here, let's all act, like, you know  所以他来的时候我们就......
Never mind. But it was gonna be really good.  不管了  这一定是很好的消息
What's going on?  到底怎么了...
So it's a typical day   今天和平常没什么两样
...and Big Al calls me into his office  然后艾尔叫我到他办公室
and tells me he wants to make me processing supervisor.  说他要我当处理主管
- That is great! - Congratulations!  -真是太好了  -恭喜...
So I quit.  所以我就辞职了
Why?  为什么
Why? This was a temp job.  为什么  因为这只是暂时的工作
Chandler,you've been there for five years.  钱德勒  你已在公司五年了
I know, but if I took it,  我知道  但接受升职
I'd be admitting that this is what I do.  不就代表承认这就是我的职业
Was it a lot more money?  那不是能赚更多钱
Doesn't matter. I just don't want to be  我不在乎  我不想成为
a guy who sits in his office until 12'o clock in   在办公室坐到午夜
...worrying about the WENUS.  担心"周净计"的那种人
The "WENUS"?  "周净计"是啥
Weekly estimated net usage system.  "每周估计净值使用统计系统"
It's a processing term.  这是处理用术语
Oh, that WENUS.  这么回事啊
What will you do?  你有何打算
I don't know, that's the thing I don't know what I want to do.  我不知道  问题就在于我不知道想做什么
I just know I'm not going to figure it out working there.  我只知道我在那工作下去就永远想不明白
I have something you can do!  我这有份活给你
I have this new massage client, Steve.  我的新按摩客户史提夫
Anyway, he's opening up   不多说了  他开了一家餐厅
...and he's looking for a head chef.  他正在寻主厨
- Hi, there.  -Hi.  -你好  -你好.
I know. You're a chef and I thought of you first.  我知道你是个厨师  而且我先想到你
But Chandler's the one who needs a job right   但钱德勒目前没有工作所以...
I just don't have a lot of chef-ing experience.  我没有太多厨师的经验
Unless it's an all-toast restaurant.  除非那是家只卖吐司的餐厅
What kind of food is he looking for?  他想要什么菜
He wants to do something eclectic.  他想要菜丰富多变
He's looking for someone who can create the entire menu.  因此他在一个能创造出整个菜单的人
- Oh my God! - I know!  -天啊  -很棒吧
So, what do you think?  所以你意下如何
Thanks. Pheebs.  谢了  菲比
- I just don't see myself in a big, white hat. -Ok.  -我觉得自己不适合戴白厨师帽  -好吧
Oh, Monica! Guess what?  莫妮卡  你猜怎么着
Can you see my nipples through this shirt?  你们能透过衬衫看见我的乳头吗
No, but don't worry. I'm sure they're still there.  看不见  但别担心  它们肯定还在
Where are you going? Mr. suity man  你要上哪儿去  西装笔挺先生
I have an appointment with Dr. Robert Pilman,  我和罗伯·提曼博士有约
career counselor-a-go-go!  求职顾问阿哥哥
- I added the "a-go-go." - Career counselor?  -阿哥哥是我加的  -求职顾问
You guys all know what you want to do.  你们都已到人生的方向
I don't.  还没
You guys in the living room all know what you want to do.  在客厅里的各位全都已到人生的方向
You have goals. You have dreams. I don't have a dream!  你们有目标  有梦想  我却没有梦想
You have goals. You have dreams. I don't have a dream!  以马丁·路德金的"我有一个梦想"演讲作讽
The lesser-known "I Don't Have a Dream" speech.  少见的"我没有一个梦想"演说
I love my life! I love my life!  我爱我的人生  我爱我的人生
"Brian's Song"!  布莱恩的歌
- The meeting went great? - So great!  -见面的结果如何  -相当顺利
He showed me where the restaurant's gonna be.  他告诉我未来餐厅的位置
It's this, it's this cute little place on 10th Street.  就在第十街上有个温馨的小店面
Not too big, not too small. Just right.  不太大也不太小  大小适中
Was it formerly owned by a blond woman and some bears?  前任老板是金发女人和几只熊吗
I'm cooking for him Monday night, kind of an audition.  周一晚我要煮一餐让他品尝  算是面试
Phoebe, he wants you here.  菲比  他也要你在场
It's great for me. You can make yummy noises.  这样对我有好处  因为你可以装作吃得很香
What are you gonna make? - Yummy noises.  -你打算做什么  -吃得很香
And Monica, what are you gonna make?  那莫妮卡  你要做什么菜
I don't know. It's gotta so be great.  我也不知道  但一定会很棒的
I know what you can make! I know!  我知道你可以做什么了  我知道
You should make that thing with the stuff.  你应该用那些东西做这个
You know that thing with the stuff?  你知道用那些东西做的这个
Okay, I don't know.  好吧  我也不知道
Guys. Anyone know a good date place in the neighborhood?  各位  谁知道附近有约会的绝佳地点