If I Were a Freshman Again           
Thomas Arkle Clark
1) It is the habit of age to give sage advice to youth. One of the pastimes in which everyone periodically indulges is the pleasant hallucination that if he were given the opportunity to live his youth over again he would do it differently and more successfully. We are all of us, even though we have no more than reached middle age, given to regretting our neglected opportunities and our lost youth. It gives one a virtuous feeling in imagination to dodge all error but it is extremely doubtful if many of us, even if we had a second chance, would avoid many of the pitfalls into which we stumbled, or follow a straighter path than that by which we have so far come. If it is merely pleasant for us to conjecture what we should do if we had a second try at it, it may be profitable for those who are younger to listen. If only foresight could be as accurate as the backward view!
1) 给年轻人一些金玉良言是老人们的习惯。大家偶尔喜欢的一种娱乐就是美滋滋地幻想如果有机会再年轻一次,他会少走弯路、更加成功。尽管不过人到中年,我们都习惯于后悔曾经坐失良机、虚度青春,这让我们在想像中有一种高尚的感觉 ―― 避免所有的错误。而特别值得怀疑的是,即使有第二次机会,我们当中的许多人真的就能避免我们犯过的错误,或者少走一些我们走过的弯路。如果说猜测再给一次机会我们会怎么做对于我们只是自我安慰,对于那些听我们讲故事的年轻人可能就会获益匪浅。先见要是与后见一样准确无误该多好!
Work Fewer Hours    事半功倍
2) If I were a freshman again I should not work so many hours as I did. I put in enough hours with my books in my hands, but I did not accomplish much. I had little concentration. Many students whom I knew, and I was one of this sort, spent a great deal of time in getting ready to work. With a book in hand they look out of the window at the clouds or at the pretty girls passing along the street, and all the time they deceive themselves with the idea that they are working.
2) 如果我能再次成为大一学生,我会少花一些时间在学习上。我手捧书本的时间是够了,可
3) Many an evening, when the work was heavy, I would determine to begin early and get it over with; but I could spend half an hour in arranging my books and getting myself seated in a comfortable chair. All this time I imagined I was working. I spent as much time in goading myself on to duties that I should have liked to shirk or in getting ready to work as I did in actual labor. If I were a freshman I should plan my work, I should try to develop concentration ― I should work harder but not so long.
3) 无数个傍晚,只要学习任务很重,我就会下决心早动手早完工,可是我可能会花半个小时整理书本、坐到一把舒服的椅子上,在整个过程中,我一直想像自己是在学习。对于我想逃避或者应该准备的工作,我会磨蹭半天,磨蹭的时间和工作的时间一样多。如果我能再次成为大一学生,我会做事有计划、学习更专心――我会更加努力但是少花时间。
Learn to Work with People about Me    闹中取静
4) I should learn to work with people about me. As it was I lived a somewhat isolated life. I did my reading and my studying alone, and though there were some advantages in this method, there were serious objections. Now I must often work under different conditions than those by which I was surrounded in college; there is work to be done where there is no quiet, and I do it with difficulty. As I tried on a crowded ocean steamer to put these wandering thoughts on paper I was constantly annoyed by the confusion about me and by the spasmodic attempts at conversation made by a well-intentioned but misguided young man at my side. If I had learned to work under different conversations I might have turned the conversation aside as a steep roof sheds the rain. I believe it is a great advantage for a young man to do his work himself, but he should not subject himself to the slavery of doing it alone.
4) 我会学会在周围有人的环境中工作。实际上,我的生活有些与世隔绝。我一个人看书,一个人学习,这种方法虽然也有一些优点,却也有着严重的缺点。现在我经常要在与大学完全不同的环境里工作,手里有活儿要干,周围却不那么安静,结果我就感到很吃力。曾经有一次在一艘拥挤的海船上,我正想把这些纷乱的思绪写下来,却不时受到一些干扰,身边一位
Take More Difficult Work 知难而进
5) I should take as a freshman, if I had my work to do over again, more work that I have no especial fondness for or that I find difficult. I like an easy time as well as any one, and I do not wish to give the impression that I think it an error for a student to follow the profession he enjoys or to do the work he likes. In point of fact I believe that a student should choose those lines of work along which his tastes lead him. I think it very likely that those things we do most easily we shall do best; but I have found that training comes through struggle, and that those people are developed most who resist most, or who struggle against difficulty and opposition and overcome. I had known a good many geniuses, but they generally had the most commonplace careers because they never learned to do difficult or disagreeable things.
5) 如果重新来过,作为大一学生,我会做一些我不喜欢或者发现很难做的工作。我跟每个人一样喜欢随遇而安,我不希望给人留下这样的印象:认为学生从事自己喜欢的职业或者做他喜欢的工作是一种错误。实际上,我认为学生应该根据他的兴趣爱好选择这些工作。我认为我们做得最顺手的工作可能做得最好,但我发现训练来自斗争,反抗最厉害、迎着困难和反对意见上并克服障碍的人发展得最好。我认识许多天才,他们一般都从事最普通的职业,因为他们从未学会做难度很大或者不合意的事情。   
6) Students come into my office every day who want to get out of work or to drop a subject, or to cut a class exercise for no better reason than that they find the duty difficult or the instructor or the subject dull. Much of the work of life is not pleasant. Half the things I am forced to do during the busy days of the college year are unpleasant things and things I dislike doing. I have been forced to learn to give these things my best attention whether I like them or not. I wish I had learned in my freshman year to do more such things.
6) 每天都有学生到我的办公室来,他们想不做作业、不修一门课、或者不参加一次课堂活动,仅仅因为作业太难,因为老师或者课程让人烦。生活中许多工作都会让人烦,我在大学