The lemon tree in the backyard is a sight to behold, with its vibrant green leaves and fragrant blossoms. 后院的柠檬树是一道令人赏心悦目的风景,那翠绿的叶子和芬芳的花朵令人陶醉。
In the spring, the lemon tree bursts into life, with delicate white flowers blooming all over its branches. 春天里,柠檬树迎来了生机盎然的景象,细腻的白花朵盛开在树枝上。
The sound of buzzing bees fills the air as they pollinate the lemon blossoms, ensuring a bountiful harvest of citrus fruit. 嗡嗡的蜜蜂飞舞在空中,它们授粉柠檬花朵,确保了丰收的柑橘水果。
In the summer, the lemon tree is heavy with ripe fruit, their bright yellow color shining in the sunlight. 夏天里,柠檬树上挂满了成熟的水果,那明亮的黄在阳光下熠熠生辉。
lemon tree 王若琳The juicy lemons are perfect for making refreshing lemonade on hot days, their tart flavor a welcome relief from the heat. 多汁的柠檬在炎热的夏日里制作清凉的柠檬水十分恰到好处,它们酸酸甜甜的味道令人疲惫的身心都得到了放松。
As autumn approaches, the leaves of the lemon tree start to change color, painting the tree in hues of orange and red. 随着秋天的临近,柠檬树的叶子开始变,树上呈现出桔红和红的彩。
Despite the changing seasons, the lemon tree remains a steadfast presence in the backyard, a symbol of resilience and growth. 尽管季节变迁,柠檬树仍然是后院里坚定的存在,象征着坚韧和成长。