Twelve Days of Kindness
Although it was less than two weeks before Christmas I found it difficult to be in a festive mood. We had moved to Canada, and holidays were difficult for us because we missed our friends and relatives in Minnesota. Our family was also going through a very difficult year, with health problems and a serious work-related problem for my husband.
“Mom,How I wish we could spend Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma in Minnesota. I really miss them and my friends there.”said my fifteen-year-old daughter,Rachel.
“I know,Rachel. So would I”I said.”But Minnesota is 2,000 kilometers away. Don't you remember how hard it was to drive in that snowstorm last year? And then the temperature dropped to -30℃ on our way back?
“I remember.” she said and ducked her head disappointedly.
We thought driving to Minnesota for Christmas was too risky and buying airline tickets for three people was out of the question.We would be spending Christmas alone in Canada, and had no money for a Christmas tree or a Christmas dinner.
We were surprised when the doorbell rang. It was dark and cold outside, and we weren’t expecting anyone. Hesitantly, Rachel stood up and went forward to open the door, and then said,”Mom , there's a big box on the doorstep and nobody is out here!”My husband also went and looked. But there was nobody in sight.
They brought the box in.We were surprised to find that the box contained many packages covered in bright Christmas paper. Each had a typewritten note:Open Dec.14Open There were a total of twelve-the”Twelve Days of Christmas.”The note read: Our LOVE is given anonymously(匿名地), so enjoy fun with your family,but dont tell anyone please.
“妈妈,我多么希望我们能在明尼苏达州和爷爷奶奶一起过圣诞节。我真的很想念他们和我在那里的朋友。”我 15 岁的女儿雷切尔说。
“我知道,雷切尔。我也是”我说。“但是明尼苏达州在 2,000 公里之外。你不记得去年那场暴风雪中开车有多难吗?然后回来的路上气温降到了-30℃?”
门铃响起时,我们很惊讶。外面又黑又冷,我们没想到会有人。瑞秋犹豫了一下,站起来上前去开门,然后说:“妈妈,门口有个大箱子,外面没人!” 老公也去看了。但是没看见人。
他们把箱子搬了进来。我们惊讶地发现箱子里装着许多包裹,上面覆盖着鲜艳的圣诞纸。每个人都有一张打字的纸条:Open Dec.14Open 总共有十二个——“圣诞节的十二天”。家人,但请不要告诉任何人。
1. 续写短文的词数应为150 左右:
Paragraph 1:
After that, we opened one more gift each day.
Paragraph 2:
We opened the 12th package on December 25th.
      送送个人觉得本次续写题目的开放性很强,可以写的故事情节多种多样,只要言之成理能够自圆其即可。但是就标题Twelve Days of Kindness而言,陌生人或者社区邻居的帮助与善意最符合题意。
After that,we opened one more gift each day.
It wasn’t long before the Christmas approached.特殊句式,用时间推动情节发展;
With the time ticking away,the Christmas approached/was around the corner. With 的复合结构表明时间变化;
Our heart swelling with/ charged with/ anticipation/expectation,we waiting for the last gift.用情绪描写刻画我们对最后一个礼物的期待。
We opened the 12th package on December 25th.
4⃣️主题升华:环境很冷,鹅毛大雪,但陌生人/社区居民的十二天的善意kind gestures/ anonymous love and support , 让我们战胜了思想之情与孤独,并且我们决心将这份爱与善意传递下去。
mama marija歌曲2⃣️亲戚朋友和爷爷奶奶的信和飞机票
3⃣️坐飞机回家与家人团聚reunite with
江水滔滔     (其实送送个人觉得这里写到朋友或者家人在圣诞节这天来加拿大看我们的情节也可以接受。)
4⃣️主题升华:这十二天的family love触动了我们的心弦,驱散了我们的思想之情与孤独感/家人是最温暖的存在/(环境描写+升华/as引导倒装)
After that, we opened one more gift each day. Before uncovering the box, we would sit around the table expectantly and made wild guesses at what each package contained. Then came the exciting moment when the mystery would be solved.Everybody would roar with laughter.As each package was unwrapped, we realized it was an unknown Canadian friend who was thinking of us, loving us, and wishing us a wonderful Christmas. Amazement never ceased and the gift opening eventually became a part of our daily routine. We all looked forward to the arrival of Christmas.