A good beginning makes a good ending.善始者必善其A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 恶其始者必恶其终。A book that remains shut is but a block. 有书闭卷不阅读,无异是一块木头You make the failure complete when you stop trying (当你停止尝试的时候,你就完全失败了)Where there is a will, there is a way. What first comes to your mind when you think of Japan? What do you know about the atomic bombardment in Japan? Have a discussion with your partner.How do the Japanese themselves look at Hiroshima? Why? Have you traveled to Japan? Do you know anyone from there?
Part II. What should we do in respond to the damage from our assault on the environment? (P9) transition--- the author proposes some questions for us to think over. Why does the writer say “ our response to these signals is puzzling”? Paragraph 9. human’s puzzling responsesShips in the DesertWhat’s the meaning of the title?
What does the author try to tell us through his article? How could the other ships be at rest in the sand? The other ships were also anchored in the original coast but now water had turned into sand therefore they were surrounded by sand and could not move.
that stretched all the way to the horizon: that extended to the far off place where the sky meet the earth Why is the Aral disappearing? It is becoming smaller and smaller because the water that used to flow into the sea has been turned away to irrigate the land created in the desert to grow cotton. The scheme was an illill--conceived one because it failed to take into consideration the ecological effect. Why did the author travel around the world?He travelled around the world because he wanted to see, check and study cases of such destruction in order to find out the basic causes behind the environmental crisis. Why could the thinning of the polar ice cap be   
disastrous to the world? Because the polar cap plays an important role in the world’s weather system, the consequences of a thinning cap could bring about dramatic changes in the ecological pattern. For example, it will bring large amount of water which will raise the ocean level and cause some floods. What are the surprising experiences that signal the damage from our assault on the environment mentioned in the paragraph? more hot days, quicker sunburn, and more debate on garbage disposing matter.      Why haven’t we launched a massive effort to save our
environment?Why haven’t we started a large-scale movement to save our environment?    But our response to these signals is puzzlingBut our reaction to these signals is so baffling that it is difficult to understand.  To come at the question another wayTo approach the question in a different way; to put the question differently    What kind of conflict will be considered as “strategic” conflict? Only struggle that can threaten a nation’s survival and must be understood in a global context will be considered as “strategic” conflict..    The problem is not …so much as our relationship with the environmentThe point is that our effect on the environment is not the same as our relationship with the environment.What is involved is a matter of human relations with nature, rather than how mankind will affect nature;    the veil of illusion that has so long obscured the reality of the change in warfare: the wrong thinking people entertain which have made them fail to see the change in the nature of armed conflict. veil: covering of thin material; a metaphor  What false hopes do some people have? Some people hope a new ultimate technology, whether nuclear power or genetic engineering, will solve the problem. Ot
hers hope that a drastic reduction of our reliance on technology can improve the conditions of life.  What is the real solution to the environmental destruction according to the author? The real solution will be found in reinventing and finally healing the relationship between civilization and the earth. This can only be accomplished by undertaking a careful reassessment of all the factors that led to the relatively recent dramatic change in the relationship. The transformation of the way we relate to the earth will of cause involve new technologies, but the key changes will involve new ways of thinking about the relationship itself.1. What kind of woman is the mother? What kind of girl is Maggie & Dee?2. Why do you think colored people asked fewer questions in 1927?3. What is the mother’s feeling toward Dee? How is it changed in the course of the story?Like good looks…passed her by: She is not bright just as she is neither good-looking nor rich.    Which countries are the Axis powers and which countries are the Allied powers?The Axis Powers (轴心国:Germany, Italy, Japan)The Allied Powers(同盟国: UK, USA, USSR, China) In World War Two, what was Hitlers purpose of invading Russia? What was the result of the i
nvasion?Hitler attempted to conquer USSR quickly and end the invasion before winter came, invade Britain and control the Western Hemisphere. When and how did the Germans attack the Soviet Union?Sunday, Jun 22. on an enormous front by air. (as it did to Poland)Why were the Soviet Union troops surprised?In March 193, Britain and France started talks with the Soviet Union on possible cooperation against Fascist Germany In order to protect itself, the Soviet Union signed the Non-aggression Pact with Hitlers Germany on August 23. then Soviet Union had a war with FinlandAccording to Churchill, what did communism have in common with the Nazi?It is indistinguishable from the worst features of Communism:It is devoid of all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination.It excels all forms of human wickedness in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious aggression. 2.  How did Churchill arrange his seven sees? Was it effective? What words did Churchill use to refer to the Nazi? I see the Russian soldiers Russian menI see them guarding their homeswhereMothers and wivesMaidens (girls)ChildrenI see the villages of RussiawherewherewhereWhat was the policy to be taken by E
ngland? ---to destroy Hitler and wipe off every single trace of the Nazi regime. 1. Why did Churchill mention those countries which had been taken by the Nazi?---He tried to show the serious consequence of not being united.2. Do you think that Churchill gave a correct analysis of Hitler’s plan? Why did Churchill analyze Hitler’s intention?---Churchill intended to show clearly what Hitler attempted to do so that they would agree to join the United Front. Churchill used a parallel structure: Hitler wishes…, he hopes…, he hopes… 3. How did Churchill mention USA? ---The Russian danger is therefore our danger, and the danger of the United States, just as the cause of any Russian fighting for his hearth and home is the cause of free men and free peoples in every quarter of the globe. I. Questions 1. When and how did the Germans attack the Soviet Union? ---Germany attacked Russia on an enormous front by air on Sunday, June 22. What was Churchill’s reaction to the news of Hitler’s invasion of Russia? ---He was not surprised at the news, because he had thought that the Germans would attack the Soviet Union.      Alliteration  1. When and how did the Germans attack the Soviet Union?---Germany attacked Russia on an enormous front
by air on Sunday, June 22. What was Churchill’s reaction to the news of Hitler’s invasion of Russia? ---He was not surprised at the news, because he had thought that the Germans would attack the Soviet Union. 3. Why did Churchill side with the Soviet Union since he had always been an avowed enemy of communism? ---Because he had only one purpose, the destruction of Hitler, who he thought was the worst in the world. 4. What policy did Churchill declare Britain would pursue? ---The policy that Churchill declared Britain would pursue was to destroy Hitler and wipe off every single trace of the Nazi regime. 5. What, according to Churchill, was Hitler’s motive in invading Russia? ---According to Churchill, Hitler's invasion of Russia served as the first step for his invasion of Britain, thus controlling of the Western Hemisphere. What makes a good novel?Characters  leading characters: protagonist , antagonist; minor characters; characterization settings: place, time plot: list of incidents (plotless novels—a series of meaningless incidents or a description of character) (Basic situation – rising action – climax – end of the problem)Discussion about the three evidences;Which evidence is the most important?How does Ogilvie
arrange the three evidences in his words?what does he think about?Answer: He was going to put his cards on the table now that he had made it sufficiently clear to the Croydons that they were in his hands. It is the time for him to express his purpose of visit.Analysis: remember the function of cigar for Ogilvie?Now it is unnecessary for him to do that any more, because he gets more than he has expected and they are friends rather than rival. So he “put it out”.The end of Round Four: Ogilvie is under of the control of Duchess, and they are partners now. Which is the major message (the writers focus)?  Mark Twains writing or his life experience?The focus is the writing, because Mark Twain was a famous writer, who was remembered by his characters. The feature of writing of this biography lies in the weaving the heros life experience with his messages, his themes of writing and his approaches to writing. The writer tells us how certain life experience affects his writing. Every job or profession contributes partly to his writing. Why does the author say that Mark Twain was the mirror of America?“Mirror” is a metaphor who gives a true representation or description of the country. The assertion is made in two senses. Fi
rst, Mark Twains exciting, adventuresome life stories themselves mirror a part of true American history, and the life of ordinary American people. Why was Mark Twain so sad and bitter, cynical? personal tragedies, frailties of human race (weaknesses, shortcomings, like Running for governor), who saw no future. (5) Comment on the expression of a black wall of night’. What was the role of the Mississippi River at the time? Nickname: Old Man River (老人河) Moon River (月河)--- main artery of transportation in the young nations heart. (metaphor)--- Worldwide water was the first mode of transportation to be mechanized (呆板的,机械kidnapping an heiress) and the first to attract large amounts of private and public capital. The same is true of the Mississippi River.  What role did it play in Twains literary career? (1)  The Mississippi river acquainted him with every possible type of human nature. Those acquaintances strengthened all his writing. (cast of characters of the time, from whom he gained keen perception of the human race.)e.g. Cast of characters: the main current of pioneering humanity, flotsam of hustlers, gamblers, thugs(2)  Soaked up in the colorful language that he would record in his later writing. (3)  Marked the real begin
ning of his education, and the most part of it.What do you know about the ‘forty-niner’ 1849年参加加州淘金热移民? Why did he fail as a prospector?What did the mistreatment of Chinese refer to?What was Mark Twains attitude towards California?What was the story that established Twain as a humorist? Why was the pleasure cruise called a milestone in a countrys development?What was his impression about the king of Turkey?What was his attitude towards revered artists and art treasures?What did he do about the Holy Land in his reports?How was The Innocents Abroad received by Americans? Why? Do you think Huckleberry Finn is a much better book than Tom? And Why? Huck is far more interesting and complex than Tom.Huck, who tell the story in his own wonderful vernacular(方言), almost never strikes a false note.(说错话)Hucks experiences are deeper-going and his moral travail(辛劳,痛苦) more meaningful, a great spirited (活泼的,英勇的) boy among mean-spirited (卑鄙的) men.The river itself functions as a character. It gives form to the wonderings, from it arise the fun and the horror, the beauty and the color, of the book. The river is freedom, the shore is bondage. Huck belongs to a world of simple
nature. What are the differences between these two books?    The difference between Tom and Huck is the difference between early and late Mark Twain. He envisioned Tom as a lover of life, filled with its mysteries, alarmed by its terrors, amused by its contrasts, enchanted by its romance; the creator (Twain) of Huck was essentially a skeptic who had turned against mankind because of its inhumanity to man. Why is Mark Twain one of America’s best-loved authors?      Because his literary works such as two novels about Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer are loved by Americans, who imagine he was adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous. Give a brief account of Mark Twain’s experience before he became a writer. Before he became a writer, he worked as a tramp printer, river pilot, Confederate guerrilla, prospector, and reporter. He had done varied jobs.  3 . Why did the author adopt 'Mark Twain' as his pen name? He adopted his pen name from the cry heard in his steam- boat days, signaling two fathoms of water. When did Mark Twain become a pilot on a steamboat ? How long did he stay there? What did he learn there? What effect did his experience have on his writing?He became a pilot on a steamboat in 18
57 and stayed there for four and a half years. There he learned a lot about human nature and gained a keen perception of the human race. This experience immensely enriched his writing. Why did Mark Twain leave the river country?  What did he do then?He left the river country because the development of railroad, rendered steamboat pilots less necessary and the Civil War began, stopping commerce. Then he became a Confederate guerrilla. What story did he write that made him known as the “ the wild humorist of the Pacific slope”?The celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. Why did the book , the Innocents Abroad , become an instant best-seller?Because it was a book centered on satirizing Europe and the Holy Land, arousing intense interest among Americans. Why is Tom Sawyer as sure to be studied in American schools today as is the Declaration of Independence?    Because it is a classic tale of American boyhood describing Tom's mischievous daring, ingenuity, and the sweet innocence of his affection for Becky Thatcher.9 . Why did Twain become bitter late in life?
    Personal tragedy made him become bitter late in life.