Unit 1 food matters
1.Food is as fundamental to man as the people are to the state. Fundamental adj. 基础的,根本的
2.Read a magazine article about comfort food.
3.Read three blog entries about traditional foods.
Entry n. 入口;参赛作品;参与进入;词条,账目,记录
4.Each country has its typical food.
It is typical of sb to do sth.
5.Fish and chips consists of deep-fried fish and potato chips.
Consist of 不用被动
6.Sushi is popular partly because of its freshness and convenience.
7.A taco is made up of fish or wheat pancake rolled around a filling.
Be made up of =be composed of 用被动
8.Pasta from Italy is typically made from flour and water.
Reading ---comfort food
1.Foods have an impact on ...
2.Whenever i feel lonely, i have a secret recipe that never fails.
3.No matter how bad my mood is, that perfect combination is always enough to lift my spirits.
心情很好in a good mood (没)有做某事的心情be (not) in the mood to do sth.
A与B的结合a combination of A and B = a mix of A and B
→v. combine (使)结合,(使)组合把A和B结合起来combine A with B
4.The smell alone can do the trick, not to mention the lovely creamy flavour, which works like a time machine immediately transporting me back to sunny childhood.
Do the trick 奏效,起作用达到目的
5.With pleasure, i remember the lazy Sunday afternoon i used to spend in the warmth of my grandma’s flat, listening to her wonderful stories and greedily eating bowl after bowl of her delicious rice pudding.
flat n. 公寓adj. 瘪的,平的
6.I take my time over every spoonful, gently rolling the silky dessert around my mouth and enjoying the perfect marriage of rice and milk.
A spoonful of 一勺。。。Marriage 婚姻;结合
7.My experience with rice pudding illustrates the unique power of comfort food.
Illustrate 阐述,解释
8.In its broadest sense, comfort refers to any food that makes us feel better. In its broadest sense从广义上来说
Refer to 提及,提到;参考,查阅;指的是
9.We will talk about a particular type of comfort food whose power mainly lies in the associations it calls to mind.
与…有关联;与…有来往be in
→adj. associated 有关的associate v. 把…联想/联系起来;结交adj. 副的
与…有关联be 使A与B联系起来associate A with B
副教授an associate professor
10.It often makes up for bad feelings by helping us recall happy memories of people, things or places we love.
Make up for弥补
11.Our comfort foods are highly individual.
12.They vary from people to people, depending on our own unique experiences that have shaped our lives.
随…而变 在…方面有差异vary/
因人而异vary/be varied from person to person
→adj. various 不同的;各种各样的n. variety 【u】多样性【c】种类,品种
各种各样的  a variety of=varieties of=various=all kinds/
13.It we grow up eating certain foods in our family, then those foods tend to be linked with positive emotions.
Certain 某一个;确定的
和…有联系be linked =have a
A与B之间的联系  a link between A and B
14.We often connect chicken soup with a happy childhood and its flavour becomes tied up with the feeling of being taken care of.
Be tied up with 和。。。联系起来
15.We unlock memories of a time of a time when we were loved and looked after, and this cheers us up.
16.The feeling of happiness and sense of belongings can become particularly important who move away from their home country.
17.there are some aspects of culture that people will lose right away. But with food, there are more opportunities to connect to memory, family and place.
18.It is hardest to give up the food that you grow up with.
19.Each person’s comfort food largely depends on whether they come from--for a chinese it might be a plate of dumplings with a saucer of vinegar, and for a native of uk it might be the classic fish and chips, served hot, salty and sour..
20.One mouthful of comfort food takes us back to our cultural roots, giving us the taste of home that we cry out for and relieving feelings of homesickness.
Cry out for迫切需要
把某人从某物中解除relieve sb. of sth.
周冰倩今夜无眠→n. relief (痛苦等的)减轻;宽慰;救济物adj. relieved 宽心的;宽慰
令某人(大为)安心/宽慰的是(much) to one’s relief = to one’s (great) relief
如释重负;松了一口气in/with relief 从…得到缓解get
看到/发现/了解到...,某人感到宽慰sb. be relieved to see/find /know that
Homesick 思乡
21.Comfort food tastes good and by building an emotional bond with our happy memories, always makes us feel good.
bond n. 纽带,联系;连接,结合;债券;保释金
在A和B之间建立紧密的关系form/build a close bond between A and B
加强友谊/感情的纽带strengthen the bonds of friendship/affection
v. (使)结合/粘合;团结
这两种材料无法黏合起来。These two materials won’t bond together.
22.It is food for the soul.
Part B
1.When we are in low spirits, we may cry out for things that give us comfort and a sense of security.
安全感  a sense of security 确保某人安全ensure one’s security
安全措施security measures
→secure adj. 安全的;可靠的vt. 使安全;争取到
保护A免受B secure A against/from B争取到一份合同secure a deal/contract
对…感到安心feel 没有遭受… be secure
到一份稳定的工作land a secure job 过着安稳的日子live a secure life
2.It generates positive emotion in different ways.
3.As dessert like cakes are digested, blood sugar levels can go up quickly.
4.The sharp increase in blood sugar will cause the body to produce a special chemical to remove it.
5.When the chemical lowers blood sugar levels, we are likely to feel sad again.
adj. [low的比较级]较低的;较下的;较低级的[opp] upper
vt. ①把…放低;把…降下[opp] raise ②降低;减低(价格、声音等)
减少开支/压低嗓门/减轻压力lower expenses/one’s voice/pressure
我爱家乡大英美她垂下眼睛,轻轻地摇了摇头。She lowered her eyes, shaking her head slightly.
这家商店已降低了价格。This shop has lowered its prices.
6.There is the danger of entering a cycle of highs and lows where more and more comfort food, high in carbogydrates, needs to be eaten.
7.Comfort food is an important tool in helping us relieve tension.
8.Be aware of the hidden dangers of high -calorie comfort food.
1.I was eager to try new restaurants.
2.To eat out was also a social activity, allowing me to enhance the relationship with my friends.
enhance vt. 提高,增强(其价值、质量、魅力或声望)
这是提高公司声誉的绝佳机会。This is a golden opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company. →adj. enhanced 提高了的, 增强了的n. enhancement 增强;提高
3.I often ate out until last month, when i came across a cooking app.
4.There are a variety of recipes in the app to choose from.
5.They are uploaded by users, and offer detailed instructions so that others can follow them step by step.
6.I discovered that it was not that difficult to make a simple and tasty dish.
7.I have thrown myself into home cooking, from boiling noodles in the pot to frying steak in the pan.
8.Not only is cooking at home cheaper, but i can cook exactly what i want.
9.No wonder people say nothing beats home cooking.
10.I consider the soup if the day as the best option on the menu.华晨宇初恋女友刘诗羽
11.As long as you are not afraid of heights, you will be impressed by,,,, the latest restaurant in the city.
用某物给某人留下深刻的印象impress sb. with sth.
对…有深刻的印象,受…感动be impressed with/by/at sth.
鼓浪屿之波使某人铭记某事impress sth. on sb.
被印在脑海中;对…留下深刻的印象be impressed on one’s mind/memory
给某人印象最深的是…What impressed sb. most was ...
When I was abroad, what impressed me most was the cultural differences.
→adj. impressive 感人的,令人印象深刻的[opp] unimpressive
n. impressionist 印象派艺术家n. impression 印象,效果,影响
give/leave/make an/a + adj. + impression on sb.= leave sb with a +adj+ impression
他的人品给我们留下了深刻的印象。His personality left a deep impression on us.贝多芬钢琴曲
12.Located at the top of tower, it gives you an amazing view of the bay .
13.Since it takes about an hour to turn the full 360 degree, you are unlikely to get bored with the scenery.
scenery [u]n. 风景(常指某国或某地的总体景或“自然美景”,集合名词)
Nowhere else can you find such beautiful scenery.
→adj. scenic 风景的,景优美的;舞台的风景胜地  a scenic spot=a tourist attraction
14.You best bet is to sit by the window an hour before sunset and watch how the sky changes colors.
n. 打赌,赌注; 预计,估计
与…就…打赌make a bet with sb. on sth. 对…下注place a bet on sth.
同意打赌take/accept a bet 取消打赌call off a bet
v. (用…) 打赌;(与…)打赌(bet-bet-betting)对某事打赌;在某事上下赌注bet on sth.
15.The atmosphere is lively and modern, with its walls painted white and light blue.
atmosphere n. 气氛,氛围;大气,气体;空气
在…的气氛/氛围/环境中in a/an + adj. + atmosphere
烟雾弥漫的空气  a smoky atmosphere 在大气层中in the atmosphere
16.The restaurant serves a menu full of eye-catching Asian dishes, ranging from ....to....
17.It is considered by many locals to be the perfect location for a special occasion.
Integrated skills
1.A taste that is out of the world.
2.There are many versions of mooncakes from different places around china. They have a variety of fillings and among them i love the sweet red bean fillings best.
3.We sat outside in my grandparents’ yard while the full moon shone above us.
4.My elderly grandma bakes mooncakes for the whole family. She can turn the flour and red beans into wonderful mooncakes like magic.
elderly adj. 年纪大的,上了年纪的[委婉用语]
老年人在我们的社区里得到了很好的照顾。The elderly are well taken care of in our society.