Unit 1 Family
Lesson One The Johnson Family
Key to Word Skills
1. shopping 购物
2. living 生活;生存
3. washing 洗涤;洗涤剂
4. running 跑步
5. cleaning 打扫;清洁
1. take 拿;取
2. usually 通常
3. arrive 到达
4. simple 简单的
5. in the evening 在晚‣
1. always 总是
2. early 早的
3. happy 高兴的
4. clean 干净的
5. get up 起床
Key to Grammar Drills
1. A: Do you ever spend your holidays abroad?
B: I never spend my holidays abroad.
A: Does he ever spend his holidays abroad?
B: He never spends his holidays abroad.
2. A: Do you ever play football in the street?
B: I sometimes play football in the street.
A: Does he ever play football in the street?
B: He sometimes plays football in the street.
3. A: Do you ever have lunch at this restaurant?
B: I usually have lunch at this restaurant.
A: Does he ever have lunch at this restaurant?
B: He usually has lunch at this restaurant.
4. A: Do you ever go to the cinema?
B: I often go to the cinema.
A: Does he ever go to the cinema?
B: He often goes to the cinema.
Key to the Exercises
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. B
1. goes to work
2. stays at home
3. goes shopping
4. comes home very late
key to my heart
5. do their homework
1. keep
2. at breakfast
3. hard-working
4. housework
5. nap
1. watches
2. washes
3. does
4. carries…spreads
5. plays
6. stay
7. gets…rises
8. goes
9. works 10. go
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. A 10. C
1. C
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. A
1. 将․列英戓短语译成中戓并用之造句
[造句]They have to arrive there in time, so they get their lunch ready within 20 minutes.
[造句]We all want to live a happy life.
[造句]She is very tired when she comes home from work. (4)
[造句]She tries her best to keep her room tidy and clean. (5)
[造句]He usually brings his evening paper home after work.
2. 将․列中戓短语译成英戓并用之造句
[中译英]do the housework every day
[造句]In our family, we don’t do the housework every day.(2)
[中译英]come home from school
[造句]It is time for Tom to come home from school.
[中译英]drink coffee together
[造句]We usually go to bookstores and drink coffee together on Sunday.
[中译英]do lessons in the classrooms
[造句]The teacher asks the students do lessons in their classrooms.
[中译英]often stay at home
[造句]My father often stays at home and reads books with
us at night.
Lesson Two Monday Morning Key to Word Skills
1. sleepy 欲睡的
2. hilly 多小山的;多丘陵的
3. cloudy 多云的
4. windy 多风的
5. noisy 吵闹的
1. drag 拖,拽
2. reply 答复
3. ring 打电话
4. knock 敲,打
5. cheerfully 高兴地
1. busy 忙碌的
2. downstairs 在楼․
3. out of bed 起床
4. worse 更糟的,更坏的
5. sleep 睡觉
Key to Grammar Drills
1. A: What did you have before going to bed?
B: I had a bath.
A: What did he have before going to bed?
B: He had a bath.
2. A: What did you have yesterday?
B: I had a day off.
A: What did he have yesterday?
B: He had a day off.
3. A: What did you have after lunch?
B: I had a cup of tea.
A: What did he have after lunch?
B: He had a cup of tea.
4. A: What did you have in the evening?
B: I had a long walk.
A: What did he have in the evening?
B: He had a long walk.
Key to the Exercises
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. A
1. hurry up
2. catch a train
3. got no reply
4. still in bed
5. have breakfast
1. hurry up
2. feel like
3. than usual
4. at once
5. about to
1. shall know
2. will be
3. Will…have
4. will lend
5. shall find
6. shall remember
7. shall see
8. will arrive 9. will like 10. shall leave
1. C
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. B 10. B
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. C
1. 将․列英语短语译成汉语并用之造句
[造句]Don’t bang on the door any more!
[造句]Maybe this is the worst day of the year.
[造句]I am too tired. I need to have another three days’ rest.(4)
[造句]My dear, please hurry upstairs to go to bed. Early sleep