Lesson 14 What colour's your……
New words and expressions:
case n.箱子
carpet n.地毯
dog n.狗
case n.箱子
briefcase  公文包(软皮)
attache case
suit case
pack the suit case
carpet  n.地毯
rug: a small carpet mat
door mat
mouse mat 鼠标垫
dog  n.狗
love, love my dog  爱屋及乌
accept my friends as yours
What colour is/are sth?
---What colour is her suitcase?
---It's black.
---What colour are her suitcases?
--They are black.
in the black
eg. Our account is in the black. black and blue
macy gray
blue film/blue movie  黄电影
out of the blue: unexpected  出乎意料eg. John came out of the blue.
in black and white
eg. I want it in black and white. grey
grey hair
in the red    赤字
red carpet    红地毯
eg. Give him red carpet treatment.
yellow 黄的
orange  adj.桔黄的  n.桔子
green  绿的
green hand
Exercise: A
This is Stella. This is her handbag. This is Stella's handbag. This handbag is Stella's.
1.This is Paul. This is his car.
This is Paul's car.
This car is Paul's.
2.This is Sophie. This is her coat.
This is Sophie s coat.
This coat is Sophie's.
3.This is Helen. This is her dog.
This is Helen's dog.
This dog is Helen's.
4.This is my father. This is his suit.
This is my father's suit.
This suit is my father's.
5.This is my daughter. This is her dress.
This is my daughter's dress.
This dress is my daughter's.
Exercise: B
What colour's Steven's umbrella?
His umbrella's black.
1.Mrs. White/carpet/red
What colour's Mrs.White's carpet?
Her carpet is red.
2.Helen/dog/brown and white
What colour's Helen's dog?
Her dog is brown and white.
What colour's Luming's suit?
Her suit is grey.
小结- Number:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen
twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety twenty- three forty-four fifty-eight ninety-nine
seventy-three thirty-eight
听力训练----- <The Lion King>
1.Why is Mufasa angry with Simba? (Because he disobeyed him.)
2.What was Mufasa afraid of? (to lose his son)
3.How did Mufasa feel about Simba? (disappointed in him)
4.What does P4ufasa tell Simba that the stars are?
(the great kings of the past)
5. Do you think they will always be together?
(No, Mufasa will die someday.)
SIMBA: Dad, I……
HUFASA: You deliberately disobeyed me.
SIMBA:Dad, I'm sorry.
MUFASA: Let's go home.
HALA: I thought you were very brave・
deliberately adv.故意地
disobey  v. 违背(某人)的旨意