此英语剧本串联了PEP 《英语》教材中的12首歌曲,是用故事情景的方式创编而成的,剧中人物角皆来自于教材,适合五年级学生表演。通过课本歌曲情景剧表演,能够让学生的综合语言运用能力得到有效提高,也能够让学生更好地学唱教材中的歌曲,体验到英语学习的乐趣。同时培养学生舞台表演能力和团体协作能力,以及积极乐观的生活态度。
角:Sarah,Mike,Chen Jie,John,Mary,Willy,Miss White 道具:书包、羊羔毛绒玩具、花丛、野餐垫、食物Scene 1(第一幕)
(新学期开始了,Sarah 开心地背起书包上学去……)
Sarah (面向观众):Hello,I ’m Sarah.Good morning,good
Mike &John (手拉手走出来):Hello,Sarah.Sarah (开心地):Hello,Mike.Hello,John.★
Sarah (手指着Chen Jie ):Look ,here comes Chen Jie.Mike &John (开心地):Hi,Chen Jie.Chen:Hi,everyone.We have two new friends
today.(介绍朋友)This is Mary.This is Willy.
Mike &John &Sarah (握手):Nice to meet you!Mary &Willow (握手):Nice to meet you,too!★1)
Sarah (好奇地):Hi,Mary.I know you have a little lamb.
Do you?
Mary:Yes,it ’s very lovely.I like it very much.Sarah:Where is it?Mary (手指向远处):It ’s on the farm.
It ’s coming.(手指向地上的羊羔毛绒玩具)
(Mary 抱起小羊羔,快乐地转圈。)
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Mary&Willy:Can we be your friends? Mike&John&Sarah:Sure.We are friends now.
Sarah:It’s eight o’clock.Hurry up. Children:OK.Let’s go!
(一小伙伴一路蹦蹦跳跳向学校而去……)Sarah(手指前方):Look,our school! Mike(自豪地):Our school is big and nice. John(自豪地):I love school days. Children:Me,too.
Sarah:It’s on the second floor.
Mary&Willy:What’s in the classroom? Sarah:Let’s sing to you.
★齐唱歌曲“We have a new classroom”(四上
Mary(环顾一下四周):Our classroom is so nice.
Willy(由衷地):I like it.
Mary(好奇地):What about the teachers? Who’s your English teacher?
Willy(好奇地):And who’s your Chinese teacher?
★分角演唱歌曲“Who’s your teacher?”(五上U1)
Sarah:Our English teacher is Miss White. Mary
&Willy(好奇地):What’s she like? Chen(比画着):She is tall and thin.She is very kind.
Sarah(手指着Miss White出来的方向):Look, she’s coming.
Miss White(挥手):Hello,children.
Ss(挥手):Hello.Miss White.
Miss White:Today is a nice day.Let’s go and have a picnic,OK?
(Miss White和孩子们来到了公园……)Sarah(赞叹地):Wow,the park is so big. Chen(蹲下看花丛):There are many beautiful flowers.
Mike(指向远方):There is a lake over there. John(调皮地):I want to swim in the lake. Children(指向John):No,John!
Miss:Hi,children.Let’s sit on the grass and have a rest.
★齐唱歌曲“Let’s have a picnic today”(三上
to eat?
Chen(想了想):I’d like some sandwiches. Sarah(递给Chen Jie):Here you are.
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PEP 《英语》五年级上册第五单元P52学习词
组in front of ,它表示“在……的前面”。在用这个
词组说句子的时候,有学生这样说:There is a computer in front of the classroom.这个句子对不
1.in front of 表示“在……的前面”(在物体
范围外的前面二者是分开的),反义词是behind,表示“在……的后面”。如:There is a tree in front of the house.房子前面有一棵树。
There are many animals in front of the house.房子前面有许多动物。
2.in the front of 表示“在……的前部”(指
的是在某物体内部的前部,两者是包容的)。如:The driver is in the front of the car.司机在小轿车的前面(司机在轿车里面)。
The driver is in front of the car.司机在小
In front of 和In the front of
Chen:Thank you.Sarah (转向John ):Would you like a sandwich,John?
John (站起来,调皮地):No,thanks.It ’s time for fun now.Bye-bye.(说完跑掉了。)Miss White (站起来):Wait!
Sarah (手指John 的方向):Naughty John.(转向Mike )What about you,Mike?Mike (开心地):I like sweet things.I ’d like an ice cream.
★分角演唱歌曲“What would you like to-
How about an apple?
Mike (不开心地摇头):No,I don ’t like apples.
Sarah:Apple is sweet.Apple is healthy.Apple
is good for you.
(Mike 不开心地托着腮帮子,头转向一边。)
)Mm —,it ’s yummy.
John (一边跑出来一边喊):Oh ,no !
Miss White (跟着跑出来,着急地):What ’s the matter,John?
Children (站起来):What ’s the matter,John?John (支支吾吾地):I...I...I...
five a look.Don ’t worry,John.It ’s just OK.
Children (笑
了起来):Haha,You are so
(John 不好意思地挠头,做了个鬼脸。)Sarah (手指远方):Look,a rainbow!A rain-
bow is over there!
Children (赞叹地):Wow!
How beautiful!
★Miss Children (开心地跳起来):We are very very happy.
Miss:So we will say ———
Children (大声地):What a nice day!Miss:Now it ’s time to say goodbye.Say good-bye to our friends here!Children (对着观众):Goodbye,friends!
See you!
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