雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future 描述未来想尝试的水上运动
  水上运动的题目还真是第一次在雅思口语话题卡中出现,之前考过的都是诸如exciting sport或者extreme sport等。但是,虽然出题人把题目进行了修改,但这并不会妨碍我们的表达。之前有同学喜欢的刺激运动或者极限运动就是在水上完的,那恰好和这个题目吻合了。另外,虽然中文翻译过来为‘水上运动’。但并不是只有那些在水面上玩的运动才算==water sport只要与相关都可以,比如潜水,冲浪,还有那种泰国海边的水上项目‘香蕉船’、‘空中飞人’等等。
英达妻子梁欢照片  Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future
  You should say:
  What it is
  弦子朱军图片no wayWhere you would like to try it
  How difficult it is
  Why do you like to try it
二手玫瑰舞曲  参考答案
  A water sport I love to do in the future is actually windsurfing, which is considered as an extreme sport.
鲜花朵朵下载  Windsurfing is actually kind of a combination of sailing and surfing. I got to know this while I was traveling along the coastal area with my friends in Australia during the summe
r. I saw strong guys hold a huge flag thing on the water surface, which immediately arose my interest.
  I would like to try it in Qingdao, but Im not sure if I am allowed to do so. I know Qingdao has the Olympic Sailing Center which once was the marina for the sailing competition of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. You know its not far away from the place I live, and its got very good sea area for sailing.
  I feel that windsurfing is not easy at all as I mentioned it has been regarded as an extre
me sport. It requires both strength and skills. This article is from Laokaoya website. I assume the most difficult part of doing it is standing on the board while balancing the weight of the sail. You have to be fully prepared, both mentally and physically, for the unexpected sea waves that come towards you.