基本规则与注音方法  音节符号说明:
── 一个辅音字母● ── 一个元音字母◆ ── 一个或几个辅音字母
── 括号中为可选项,即可以没有
相对开音节●▲e:一个元音字母加一个辅音字母(r除外)再加一个不发音的字母e,如: name, these, bike, note, tube
2. 元音字母在闭音节中读短音。
闭音节●◆: 是指一个元音字母加辅音字母(r除外)结尾的音节。该元音字母读它的“短音”。必要
时,在上面划一斜点注音。如 at, not, with, catch , stùdy
1. 单音节词都是重读音节2. .双音节词通常是第一个音节重读(前缀不重读)3. .多音节词在倒数第三个音节上重读
注意类似以下的变音的发音,如词汇sp-ort,sch-ool,st-and,等词,发音时相应的变成等.Spaces Sport Speak Student steady.稳定的,稳固的stock股票skirt.裙子 skeeter蚊子skull头脑,头骨
当单词的前面是a,be ,de,re,mis,ex,dis,com等时,它的重音一般是在第二个音节上。如......你自己查。
元音字母在重读音节中的读音  元音字母
a 在开音节中  name plane Jane baby cake
1-01 在闭音节中bag dad hat map black back  1-02  e 在开音节中  he these me Chinese
1-03在闭音节中bed let pen desk yes egg  1-04i 在开音节中 bike fly drive time nice kite
1-05在闭音节中fish big drink sit milk swim  1-06 o 在开音节中those close go hoe home no
1-07在闭音节clock not box shop sock  1-08 u 在开音节中student excuse duty Tuesday
1-09 在闭音节中  bus cup jump much lunch  1-10在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读音,例如:June blue ruler super
二、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音  元音字母 
a  China another woman breakfast
2-01 orange comrade village cabbage 2-02e hundred student open weekend2-03chicken pocket begin children
2-04i /holiday beautiful family animal2-05exercise satellite2-06  o second tonight somebody welcome
2-07also zero photo2-08u  autumn difficult 2-09popular congratulation January2-10动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读音,例如:operate
2-11u处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读音,例如:July influence February issue 2-12
在非重读音节中,许多单词中的元音字母a e i 即可以读作音,也可以读作音。
a在音后面 want what watch wash quality
3-01  af n sk ph sp ss st th after plant graph ask grasp glass fast father3-02  i-nd -ldgh find child light high
3-03o-st -ld most postcard old cold  3-04om n v th come monkey love mother
Ar  ar在音后面 car farm dark sharpener
4-01warm quarter towards  4-02or  or在音后面  forty morning short  4-03word worker worse
4-04  er ir ur  certainly bird Thursday  4-05辅音字母r双写时,前面的元音字母不能与r构成-r音节,而是按重读闭音节的拼读规则发音。例如: carry sorry hurry
4-06-r音节在非重读音节中通常读音,例如:dollar teacher martyr forget Saturday
元音字组    are  care dare hare
5-01  ere  here mere  5-02ire  fire hire wire 5-03ore  more score before 5-04ure pure cure
5-05完整的-re音节are ere ire ore很少出现在非重读音节中,ure在非重读音节中读音,例如:picture pleasure
例如:parent zero story during inspiring
5-07 某些常用词及多音节词经常出现长音短化现象。例如:orange very American paragraph
元音字组  ai/ay afraid rain wait day play
6-01air  air hair chair pair repair 6-02al  alf m small ball talk wall all 6-03always also salt almost
6-04 half calm6-05au/aw autumn daughter draw6-06ea teach easy cheap please6-07 heavy bread sweater weather
6-08break great’6-09 ear hear dear near clear year 6-10bear pear wear swear 6-11earth learn early
6-12ee jeep week green three6-13eer pioneer deer beer6-14ei/ey eight neighbour they
6-15 eu/ewj l r s new few newspaper6-16flew brew jewelry 6-17ie/音后拼写为ei piece field receive seize
6-18 oa coat Joan boat goal6-19 oar/oor  roar board door floor 6-20oi/oy noise point boy toilet
6-21oo broom food tooth school6-22book look cook foot good6-23ou/ow flower house count down
6-24know row throw though 6-25young country enough6-26group you soup6-27our course your four
6-28our hour ours 6-29journey 6-30uij l r s fluid suicide tuition 6-31juice fruit suit
最能体现“美国味”的发音都集中在下面的句子中。其实做到很容易,只要你在练习的时候,尽量夸张(overdo, exaggerate)你的发音和口型,尽量放纵,尽量发泄,尽量慢,尽量拉长你的元音,并一口气读完整个句子。
第一、 我们来看,俗称“疯狂90度咧嘴”音。
21. That black lad[年轻人;少年]was very sad because his dad had died in a bad accident in the factory.
22. You shouldn't have done that.你不应该做那件事的[实际上你做了]。
23. A: What's thematter, Alice? You look sounhappy.爱丽丝,你怎么了?看来你很不高兴。
B: Ihadabadday yesterday.我昨天倒霉了。
A: Whathappened?出什么事了?
B: I went shoppingandlost mybag.我昨天去买东西,把包给丢了。
A: Yourbag? Did you get itback?你把包丢了?回来没有?
B: I went backfor it. But it was already gone.我回去了,包已经丢了。
A: That'stoo bad. I'm sorry to hear that.真不走运,事真叫人遗憾。
[答案]一共出现了13次“疯狂90度咧嘴”音,可以充分练习国际肌肉!设法尽早把你的中国肌肉变成国际肌肉( turn your Chinese muscle into international muscle ).
24. Do you see the key on the seat?你看见座位上的钥匙了吗?三次穿针引线,也就是三次长元音。
25. It's inside my mouth.在我的嘴里。26. Would you mind * a little less noise?请您轻点儿,
27. How nice of you to do that?你这样做真是太好了!28. He speaks very highly of you. 他对你赞不绝口。
29. I'd drive five miles on Friday night to see a fight that I like.星期五晚上我要驱车五英里去观看我喜欢的拳击赛。
30. Do what you want.做你想做的。31. Where is the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop because it had stopped?因为停止了走动而放在我的口袋里要拿到店里去修的那块表在什么地方?
32. I wassorryto hear your had news.听到你的坏消息我很难过。33. Do you oftenwatchtelevision?你经常看电视吗?
34. I'llwatchthe baby while you're away.你们不在时我来照看孩子。35. I knowwhatyou mean.我明白你的意思。
36. Try to finish the job as soon aspossible.设法尽早完成这项工作。
37. I'vegota job for you, washthese dishes.我有点活给你做,把这些碟子给洗了。
38. Thank god you're safe!谢天谢地,你平安无事。39. You go first and I'll follow (you) later.你先走,我接着就来。
40. It's a very popular song.那是一首非常流行的歌曲。
第五、,俗称舀水动作。41. He's one of my closest friends.他是我最亲密的朋友之一。
42. We're hoping to visit the US this year.我们希望今年能到美国访问。43. After this dry weather, everyone hopes for rain.
44. The White House is the home of the President and his family.白宫是总统和他家庭的住处。
45. When his wife died, he was very lonely.妻子去世后,他很孤独。
46. Let me show you the photographs from my vacation.让我给你看一看我假期里拍的照片。
47. Get out of my house now.马上从我的房子里滚出去。48. How about going downtown now?现在去市中心,好吗?
49. I'm so proud of you.我深深为你而骄傲。50. No doubt about it.毫无疑问。
51. I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy which belonged to Joy.这个男孩使我很生气,他糟蹋了乔伊的玩具
52. I like listening to classical and light music.我喜欢听古典音乐和轻音乐。
53. It's nice moonlight tonight.]今夜月迷人。54. Foreign languages are really difficult to learn.外语很难学。
55. We are terribly sorry for being late.失恋33天歌曲非常抱歉我们来晚了。
*English *fish *wash *foolish
56. You are foolish to say so. =It is foolish to say so.你这样说是愚蠢的。57. You must be patient with your students.你对学生必须有耐心。
可以用日来帮助发音。*pleasure *measure *treasure *usual *leisure
58. She spends much of her leisure time watching TV.她花了多少空闲时间看电视。
59. Reading gives me great pleasure.读书带给我很大的乐趣。
可以用汉字气来训练。*China *chair *chance *challenge *choice *charge
60. I changed my mind.我改变了主意。61. He charged five dollars for the cups.这些杯子他索价五元。
*bridge *change *encourage *age *edge *manage
62. My uncle manages a hotel.我的叔叔经营那家旅馆。63. She looks old for her age.她看起来比她的年龄老得多。
可以用“雌”来帮助发音。*coats *roots *its *plates *let's
*foods *beds *birds *buds是闭嘴音。
64. To speak English well, you must move your mouth and murmur to yourself all the time.如果想要说好英语,你必须开口,并时刻自言自语。
65. It will be fun to go camping.去露营会很好玩。
开嘴撒娇音,气流要向鼻腔和头部上冲,舌身后缩。Thank you.谢谢!
66. Everything is going fine.万事如意。67. Nothing special!没什么特别的。68. She looks angry.她面有怒。
69. Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.只要有一点值得做的事情就值得好好做。
70. World War Two was worse than World War One.二战比一战更残酷。