-Okay,Chandler. -Okay.  -钱德 -好
And your horoscope says:  你的星座运势说:
"On the 5th,a special someone will give you a gift."  本月5日 某个特别的人会送你礼物
Well,thank you in advance.  那就先谢了
"But the 12th brings a lover's spat."  却会在12日引发口角
You're going to make fun of my present.  你要取笑我送你的礼物
Why would you do that?  为什么?
Wait. "On the 19th, a secret crush announces itself."  19日有人会向你表白
-Hey,guys. -Hey.  大家好
It's Joey Tribbiani of Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.  天哪,是“麦克与吉事”的 乔伊崔比亚尼
That's right. It's your first day.  也对,你今天开拍
Are you psyched to fight crime with your robot sidekick?  高不高兴要和机器人拍档 打击假犯罪?
Am I? The lead in my own TV series?  我高不高兴有自己的影集?
I've dreamed about this for years!  我梦想好多年了
gotta make a changeWhy have I not been preparing?  我为什么都没准备?
You're gonna be great.  你一定会演得很棒
But I gotta act with a robot. I know nothing about technology.  但我得跟机器人对戏 我对科技一窍不通
I can't even use Chandler's computer, except to find porn.  我只会用钱德的电脑
And that's only because it's there when you turn it on.  那还是因为那是首页
Our spat will start early this month.  我们本月份的口角会提前发生
I'll be waiting.  我等你
The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad  本集播出:“拜见父亲大人”
23  你看封面选书?这样不对喔
I'm deciding which one to use. I'm going to write another book.  不是,我想选一本来用 我又要写书了
Because the last one was such a big seller?  因为上一本很畅销?
If you must know, I have written 14 books.  告诉你,我已经写了十四本书
And as I'm the only one who has   因为读者只有我一个
I can tell you that they have been well received.  我可以告诉你们,反应很热烈
But I lost all of them in the fire.  但是火灾把那些书都烧了
So this one I'm gonna keep in an asbestos-lined box far away from Rachel.  所以这本我要
收在防火箱里 放得离瑞秋远远的
Who I forgive.  我原谅她
What are you doing later?  你们等一下有事吗?
Rachel and I have to get our hair cut.  瑞秋和我要去剪头发
-We do? -I wanna see what he wants.  -有吗? -我想先知道他要干嘛
Elizabeth's dad wants to meet me.  我刚得知伊丽莎白她爸想见我
Wait a minute. Hold the phone.  等等,且慢
You're not Elizabeth's dad?  你不是伊丽莎白的爸爸?
That's the only one you get.  你只能亏我这一次
And he hates me.  他讨厌我
He asked Elizabeth why she'd want to go out with   他问伊丽莎白为何要跟一个
who couldn't get a girl his own age.  不交同年龄女友的男人约会
And what did she say to that?  那她怎么说?
And that's yours.  你也不能再亏我了
Come on. I really want this guy to like me.  拜托啦,我真的想让他喜欢我
It would really help if you guys could make me look good.  你们要是能捧我一下就太好了
-Of course we'll help. -Thanks.  -我们当然会帮忙的啦。 -谢谢。
We know how tough those parent-teacher conferences can be.  谁都知道参加母会很辛苦
-So here's your office set. -Wow!  这是你的办公室场景
Mac Machiavelli,private investigator.  麦克麦可维利,私家侦探
Look at all the books I've read.  你看我读这么多书
Let's get you to wardrobe.  我带你去试戏服 好
When do I meet the robot?  什么时候跟机器人见面?
Right now. He's right here.  抱歉,那就现在吧,他也在
Joey Tribbiani,this is..  乔伊崔比亚尼,这位…
Wow! He's so lifelike.  真是栩栩如生
Unbelievable.  了不起
This is Wayne,the man who created and operates C.H.E.E.S.E.  这位是创造、操作吉事的韦恩
How do you do there,buddy?  韦恩,你好
I'll let you two guys get acquainted.  你们两个慢慢聊 好
Sorry about that.  刚才很抱歉
-So where's C.H.E.E.S.E.? -C.H.E.E.S.E. is right here.  -吉事呢? -吉事就在这里
Nice to meet you,Mac.  麦克,幸会
-This is the temporary robot,right? -No. Why?  -它是半成品吧? -不是,怎么了?
I thought it was gonna be a really cool robot.  我以为它会长得很酷
Like the Terminator, or when I first saw you.  像魔鬼终结者,或刚才的你
I spent two years developing this. It's state of the art.  我花了2年研发这台机器 它非常先进
Sorry. It doesn't look like it can do anything.  抱歉,只是它看起来一无是处
It can do this.  它会这样
This is my father, Paul Stevens. Dad, this is Ross Geller.  这是我爸,保罗史提芬斯 爸,这是罗斯盖勒
It's great to meet you,Paul.  保罗,你好
I prefer that Liz's boyfriends address me as Mr. Stevens.  我比较喜欢伊丽莎白的男友 叫我
Of course. Mr. Stevens.  没问题,史提芬斯先生
what's your problem?  你有什么毛病?
Excuse me?  什么?
Why can't you get a girlfriend your own age?  为什么不交年龄相近的女友?
It'  真好笑…
It's not funny.  不好笑
I don't like you going out with my daughter,Ross.  我不喜欢你跟我女儿交往
Okay,I can see that.  好,我看得出来
I think if you give me one chance, I can change your mind.  但要是你给我机会 我一定能改变你的看法
-Okay. -What?  -好。 -什么?
Okay. I'll give you one chance to change my mind.  好,我给你机会改变我的看法
You've got one minute.  计时1分钟
-Daddy. -Fine. Two minutes. Go.  -爸 -好吧 2分钟,开始
A minute and 50 seconds.  1分50秒
I want you to know, I've never done anything like this before.  好,我以前没做过这种事