ITY New world record of coal consumption hit in China
renova ting the287g/kWh w orld lowe st rec ord eve r
set by the corporation.As compared with the most
adva nced units in China,these two units ma y save
at le ast200kilotons of power coal,resulting in CO
emission reduction of400kilotons.In the meantime,苍茫大地>抖音痞幼视频
the servic e power rate of the units with desulfurization
and denitration under nominal operation conditions is
le ss than3.53%,se tting likewise the world record.
The broa d-sen se he a t re c ove ry te ch nology is
different from the traditional heat re covery technology
in which the steam e xtracte d from a steam turbine
is used to heat the boiler feedw ater.In this system,
the extraction steam is use d to hea t the inlet air of a
爱不解释boiler for the purpose of economizing the fuel,thus to
improve the operation efficiency of the power plant.
Through more than two months of trial operation,
a he at re co ve ry system,c alle d broa d-sen se he a t
re covery system,was put into operation in Shanghai黄圣依主演的电视剧
Waigaoqiao T hird Power Generation Corporation at
the very be ginning this ye ar.This represe nts another
world f irst energy-saving technology de veloped by the
corpora tion following the energy-free desulfurization
The suc cessive a pplication of these two ene rgy-
saving technologies makes the tw o1000-MW ultra-
supercritica l gene rating units of the corpora tion hit
new world rec ord onc e again in tec hnical indic es,
such as coa l c onsumption.In2009,with load factor
rea ching mere ly75%,the ac tual operational c oal
consumption of the units w ent down to282g/kWh,
Tingzikou key water control project started construction
Tingz iko u ke y wa ter c ontrol pro jec t on Jia ling River,one of18newly started key projec ts in2009for China′s western part deve lopment program,formally started construc tion at the end of Novembe r last year.
无字歌He ld by D atang Corporation,this wate r c ontrol project is sited in Ca ngxi County,Gua ngyua n City of Sic hua n Provinc e,with a planne d tota l dynamic investment of15.894billion Y uan and a construction period of6years and9months.
This water control project will be equippe d w ith f5MW F electricity gene ration of3.2TWh.At the end of2012, the first unit will be put into operation,and the other units will be insta lled a nd commissioned in2014. Upon completion,the project will reach a normal water storage level of458m and a tota l storage capacity of 4.067km3.Also it will attain a controlled irrigation area of1948km2and a water supply to about two million people.Moreove r,it will realize a navigation capability of2×500t cla ss.
(Translated by Liu C hunsheng and
y L S)
Wind power expanding in Northwest China
O n Novemb er19,2009,the first w ind p owe r ge nerating unit of Changma Wind Fa rm in Y umen, Gansu was formally started up and put into operation. With a total planned capacity of200MW,Cha ngma Wind Fa rm is a part of the10-GW-class demonstrative Jiuquan Wind Power Base.Once all the other units are commissioned one after another,Jia yuguan-Jiuqua n power grid will have7wind farms consisting of824 wind power units,w ith a total installed ca pacity of 858.1MW.
Changma Wind Farm is located in the Gobi Desert, southw est of Y umen Tow n of Jiuqua n City,G ansu Province,4km f rom Y umen City.T he tota l area of the farm is about50km2.
火影忍者最新主题曲In the mea ntime,Ningxia Autonomous Region is proc eeding w ith its wind power program involving nin e ma in wind fa rms.O n e of th ese proje cts is Taiyangshan Wind Farm,a key p roje ct of N ingxia Powe r Generation Group.This w ind farm is located in Taiyangshan settlement a nd deve lopment district. According to the relevant plan,its insta lle d ca pacity amounts to350MW,with a total investment of3.0 billion Yuan.
O n N ove mber27,2009,Ningdong Test Wind Fa rm o f Taiya ngshan Win d Fa rm projec t started construction.The total ca pa city of the test wind farm is49.5MW,consisting of40wind turbines a nd40 cubicle transformers.
E EC C2010.1
our27-ra nc is turbine units with a n annual edited b i hulan