Module 4
Unit 1  导学案
1. 知识目标:掌握本单元重点词汇及句型的用法;掌握一般将来时的结构will + V原形
2. 能力目标:
(1) 能听懂谈论未来的简短对话;
(2) 能有will结构谈论对未来的想象。
3. 情感目标:通过对美好未来的憧憬,培养学生乐观向上的精神。了解高科技与文化之间的关系,在享受高科技带来的便利的同时,能注意民族文化的传承。
1. 重点:学习“will+动词原形”结构描述将来要做的事。
2. 难点:熟练准确地运用“will+动词原形”结构谈论将来的生活。
Step 1. Lead-in
(1)布置学生预习词汇并按照音标朗读,小组解决自己不会拼读的词汇:life  in the future  blackboard  cable TV  calculator  cell phone  chalk  computer  dictionary  email  Internet  paper  pen  pencil  ruler  satellite TV  radio
(2) 课内探究
T: You have learned the words by yourselves, lets have a check. Look at the pictures and say the words quickly. (教师展示图片,学生根据图片快速说出单词。)
T: Which words can you use to discribe our classroom? (学生小组活动用上这些单词描述自己的教室,教师提问几名学生。)
(3) Free talk.
T: We are having an English class now. Can you tell me what do you use to study English? (教师提问两名学生做示范)
S1: I use a dictionary to study English.
S2: I use a pen to study English.
T: Work in groups, ask and answer “What do we use to study English?”Then give us a report, use the sentenceEveryone uses…         
No       (结合新单词,学生小组讨论并展示句型。)
(4) 新课导入
T: How can we describe our life in the future? 
教师给出示范,引导学生使用 “will+ do 对未来进行预测和猜想,初步感知语言现象。
Everyone will study at home.
The teachers won’t write on the blackboard.
-Will students go to school in the future?
-Yes,they will. / No, they won’t.
There won’t be schools in the future.
Step 2.  Listening and Speaking
T:Do you what to know what Lingling thinks about the schools in the future? Lets listen to the recorder and check the true sentences.(activity
(2) 读前听Listen and check.
Everyone will study at home in the future.
Students will talk to their teachers on the Internet.
School is good fun and you can make friends there.
No one will use pens, paper or erasers.
(3) 读后听Listen and choose the right answers
Will students go to school in the future?
  A.Yes,they will.  B. No, they won’t.
Will there be teachers?
  A. Yes, there will.  B. No, there won’t.
Will they study at home?
  A. Yes, they will.  B.No, they won’t.
(4)听后读Read the conversation and choose the best answer to each question.(Activity6)
Will there be schools in the future?
Where will everyone study in the future?
How will the students ask their questions to the teachers?
Will the teachers use chalk in class?
Act out the conversation in your groups. (学生在小组内进行角扮演和对话活动。)