A Monster Mistake
1. 语言能力目标:学生能够听懂故事;能够惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;能够绘声绘地独立朗读故事;能够理解故事并组织语言复述故事情节;能发挥想象力续写故事。
2. 非语言能力目标:通过让学生观察故事图片,想象一家人独特的度假经历,培养学生的观察力和想象力;了解相关文化背景;通过推想未知的故事细节,培养逻辑推断能力。
1. 教师课前熟读故事,了解相关文化背景:
尼斯湖水怪(The Loch Ness Monster),是地球上最神秘的也最吸引人的谜之一。早在1500多年前,就开始流传位于苏格兰高原的尼斯湖中有巨大怪兽常常出来吞食人畜的故事。一些人甚至宣称曾目击过这种怪兽,它的形象一向都是蛇颈龙一般的生物。每年都有世界各地的游客前往参观,希望一睹真容。同时,它也吸引着许多科学家和探险家的目光。
2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。
3. 全英文授课。
1. 导入(Lead-in):谈论尼斯湖水怪,引入故事情境
教师展示几张与尼斯湖水怪(The Loch Ness Monster)有关的图片(见课件),提问:
Whats this? (BQ: Is it a monster?)
Wheres it? (BQ: Is it in a lake?)
学生回答后,教师简单介绍图片及相关文化背景,然后过渡到讲故事环节:Its a picture of the monster in Loch Ness in Scotland. It is said that there is a monster in the lake. But no one knows if it is a real monster. There is a monster in the story A Monster Mistake. Is it real? Lets find it out.(板书故事标题)
2. 看图讲故事Storytelling):理解故事情节,了解怪物事件的经过,培养观察力和想象力
Picture 1) Mum and Gran went on holiday. They went to Scotland in Grans new car.
Did they take the children?
Yes. They took the children.
Picture 2) Look! Where did they stay? (BQ: Did they stay in a hotel or a cottage?)
They stayed in a cottage. The cottage was by a lake. It had a boat.
Did the children like here?
Yes. I like it here, said Biff. We can go sailing.
What did Kipper do? (BQ: Did he go swimming or go fishing?)
He went fishing.
Picture 3) Biff went fishing too. What did Gran and Chip do?
They painted a picture. What about Mum?
She sat in the sun and read a book. This is fun, she said.
Everyone had a good time.
(Picture 4) Everyone looked at Grans picture.
Oh Gran! said Chip. Gran had painted a monster.
Everyone looked at the monster. Did Gran think theres a monster in the lake?
Thereeveryoneisno.1s no such thing, laughed Gran.
(Picture 5) Mum went in the car. She took Kipper.
Where did they go? Lets find the answer later.
Biff and Chip stayed with Gran.
(Picture 6) Where did Mum and Kipper go? (BQ: Did they go shopping?)
They went shopping. Mum looked at the shops.
Mum wanted a postcard for Dad. Lets get Dad a postcard, she said.
(Picture 7) Kipper went into a shop. What did he buy?
I want a monster for me and a postcard for Dad, he said.
(Picture 8)    Kipper wrote the postcard. What did he do next?
He put the card into the mail box. He posted the card to Dad.
I wish Dad was here, he said.
(Picture 9)    What did Gran do?
She wanted to make a monster. Biff and Chip helped. Lets play a trick on Mum, said Gran.