Season 2 Episode 3  THE REICHENBACH FALL 莱辛巴赫瀑布
Doctor: Why today? 为什么今天来?
John Watson: Do you want to hear me say it? 你想听我说出来?
D – 18 months since our last appointment. 距你上次约诊已经过了一年半
J :  You read the papers ?  你看报吧?
D : Sometimes.  有时看。
J : And you watch telly ? 你也看电视吧?
  You know why I’m here. 你知道我为什么来。
  I’m here because 我来是因为……
D : What happened, John?
J : Shernm
D : You need to get it out.  你得说出来。
J : My best friend
Sherlock Holmes
is dead.
Man - Falls of The Reichenbach. Turners masterpiece. Thankfully recovered.Owing to the prodigious talent of Mr Sherlock Holmes.
[Applause] A small token of our gratitude. 这份小礼物代表了我们的谢意。
see you again歌词Sherlock Diamond cufflinks. All my cuffs have buttons.
John   He means thank you.
Sherlock Do I ?
John   Just say it.
Sherlock Thank you.
John - Hang on. [taking photo]
Top banker - Back together with my family, after my terrifying ordeal. And we have one person to thank for my deliverance, Sherlock Holmes.
Sherlock Tie pin. I dont wear ties. 领带夹。我从不戴领带。
Lestrade Peter Ricoletti, NO. 1 on Interpols most wanted list since 1982.
Well, we got him, and theres one person we have to thank for giving us the decisive leads. With all his customary diplomacy and tact.
John Sarcasm. 反话。
Sherlock Yes. 可不是嘛。
Lestrade We all chipped in. (这帽子)我们都有份出钱。
People Put the hat on. Put the hat on.
Yes, Sherlock, put it on.
John Just get it over with. 凑合应付一下吧。
Sherlock Boffin. Boffin Sherlock Holmes.
John Everybody gets one. 每人都得有一个。
Sherlock One what? 一个啥?
John Tabloid nickname. 一个小报绰号。
        SuBo, Nasty Nick. 苏珊大妈,阴险尼克。(真人秀名人)
        Dont worry, I’ll probably get one soon. 也许很快我也会有一个。
Sherlock Page five,column six, first sentence. Why is it always the hat photograph?
John Bachelor John Watson.  单身汉约翰·华生 (报纸标题)
Sherlock What kind of hat is it? 这算什么帽子
John Bachelor. What the hell are they implying? 单身汉!他们到底在暗示什么?
Sherlock Is it a cap? Why has it got two fronts? 这算帽子吗?为什么两边都有檐?
John Its a deertalker. 这是猎鹿帽。
      Frequently seen in the company of bachelor John Watson.
Sherlock Stalk deer with the hat. What are you going to do? Throw it?
用这帽子猎鹿? 怎么用?扔着玩?
John Confirmed bachelor John Waston.
Sherlock A death frisbee! 猎杀飞盘
John This is too much. We need to be more careful. 太过分了!我们得小心点了。
Sherlock Its got flaps. Ear flaps, its an ear hat, John.
What do you mean more careful? 你说小心点是什么意思?
John friends 下载– I mean, this isnt a deerstalker now, its a Sherlock Holmes hat. I mean, youre not exactly a private detective any more. Youre this far from famous.
Sherlock Itll pass.  会过去的。
John It better pass. The press will turn, Sherlock, they always turn and theyll turn on you.
Sherlock It really bothers you. 你真的这么在意
John What?
Sherlock What people say. 人们的看法。
John Yes.
Sherlock About me. I dont understand. Why would it upset you?
John Just try to keep a low profile. Find youself a little case this week. 画画的babyStay out of the news.
[message sound]
John Thats your phone. 你电话响了。
Sherlock It keeps doing that. 一直响个没完。
John - So, did you just talk to him for a really long time?
Sherlock Henry Fishguard never committed suicide. Bow Street runners missed everything.亨利·费什加没有自杀,那些伦敦警探什么都没看出来。
John Pressing case, is it? 这案子挺急的吧?
Sherlock They林肯公园经典歌曲’re all pressing until theyre solved. 没解决的案子都急。
[Tower of London]Guard Put your key back please. Thank you.
-Excuse me, Sir? Any metal objects, keys, mobile phones?
-You can go through.
CCTV viewer A Fancy a cuppa then, mate? 要来杯茶吗,兄弟?
            B Yeah , why not?
[Bank of England] Banker - Gilts at seven. Dutch Telecoms in free-fall. Thank you, Harvey.国债收益为七。荷兰电信暴跌。(英格兰银行)
[Pentonvill Prison] Officer A - What are you saying?