King Arthur and his Knights
by George Gibson
Chapter One:Young Arthur (3)
Chapter Two:The sword in the stone (4)
Chapter Three:Britain has a King (5)
Chapter Four:Excalibur (6)
Chapter Five:Arthur meets Guinevere (7)
Chapter Six:The five Kings (8)
Chapter Seven:Lancelot (10)
Chapter Eight:The Holy Grail (12)
Chapter Nine:King Arthur goes to Aralon (14)
Track1:Was King Arthur Only a Legend? (16)
Track2:Before Arthur's Time (17)
Track3:Knight (18)
Track4:Page,Squire,Knight (19)
Track5:Castles (20)
Track6:Old Castle of Great Interest (21)
Track7:The Round Table (22)
Track8:Where was King Arthur Buried? (23)
Chapter One:Young Arthur
night of knights
In the year493,Uther Pendragon became King of Britain.He had a counsellor①named Merlin.Merlin was also a magician②.
When King Uther's son Arthur was born,Merlin said,"Your son must grow up away from the court.It is safer!"
Merlin gave the baby son to Sir Ector and his wife.They raised③him well. When King Uther died in509,Britain had no king.The country had many problems.
Merlin went to the Archbishop of Canterbury④and said,"Britain must have a king.We must find one.Call all the noblemen of the kingdom.Tell them to meet at the great church in London on Christmas Day.There,God will show us the new king."
On Christmas Day,all the noblemen were in the great church.Outside the church there was a big stone with a sword in it.These words were written on the big stone:
He who pulls the sword out of this stone is the true King of Britain.
④Archbishop of Canterbury:坎特伯雷主教。
Chapter Two:The Sword in the Stone
Each nobleman tried to pull the sword out of the stone.No one was able to do it.
On New Year's Day,the sword was still in the stone.Arthur was there with Sir Ector.Arthur pulled the sword out of the stone without difficulty! This was the sign①from God.All the noblemen were surprised.He was the new King of Britain.
Sir Ector said,"Arthur,you are now the king of Britain."
Arthur said,"Father,I don't want to leave you!"
Sir Ector said,"I'm not your real father.I don't know who you are.The magician Merlin brought you to us when you were born.I raised you like a son,and I love you.Now you are a king.God wants you to lead②Britain. You must go and do your duty③."
Merlin said to the noblemen,"This is King Uther's son and he is our new king!"
Young Arthur first became a knight.Then he became King of Britain.
③d o your duty:履行职责。
Chapter Three:Britain has a King
Arthur was a young king.He was about twenty years old.He lived at Camelot.His first years as king were difficult.He fought against many enemies from other lands,particularly the Saxons.Some noblemen of his court caused trouble①.They did not want to obey a young king.
King Arthur was very adventurous②.He liked riding his horse and looking for adventures.He was courageous,loyal③and friendly.His people loved him.
One day,King Arthur was riding in the forest.He saw a fountain④.Near the fountain there was a knight named Sir Pellinore.
"Stop!"said Sir Pellinore."You cannot go past the fountain!You must fight with me first!"
King Arthur answered,"I'm ready to fight!"The two knights began fighting.First they fought with their lances.Then they fought with their swords.
During the fight,Arthur's sword broke.Sir Pellinore said,"I'm the winner!"
At that moment,Merlin appeared and said,"Pellinore,this knight is your king!King Arthur!"Sir Pellinore stopped fighting immediately.