Part I Dialogue Completion(10points)
Directions:In this part,there are three dialogues with three or four blanks,each followed by four choices marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the choice that best suits the situation until the dialogue is complete.With Dialogue One,all the choices will have to be used.With Dialogue Two and Dialogue Three,one choice will be left unused.Mark your answer on the ANSWER HEET with a single bar through the center of the letter.
Dialogue One
Andy:Hi Henry!What a pleasant surprise
Henry:Yeah!It sure is.___1___So how have you been these days?
Andy:___2___Is this your first visit to Sydney?
Henry:Right.I just came a few days ago.The weather here is a big trouble for me.
Andy:___3___It will take you a little time to get used to it.But you will be all right with it soon. Henry:I hope so.Oh,I'm afraid it's time for me to go.___4___Let's get together for dinner sometime.
Andy:Alright.See you.Take care
A.Can't complain.
B.Take it easy.
C.Here is my phone number.
D.It's really been a long time.
Dialogue Two
Betty:Good evening.___5___
Joanna:Thank you for inviting me.
Betty:Take a seat.Just make yourself at home.
Joanna:Thank you.What a lovely house!Did you make it yourself,Mrs.Johnson?
Betty:___6___Yes,I did the decorating.___7___
Joanna:I like it a lot.
A.Just call me Betty.
B.That's alright.
C.We're so glad you could make it.
D.Actually,I just tried to make it simple.
Dialogue Three
Cashier:How can I help you,Miss?
Jackie:Could you break a20for me?
Jackie:Could I have two5's and the rest in ones?
Cashier:___9___but I don't have enough1's.Are quarters fine with you?
A.Well.,I have some5's
B.Oh,that's even better!
C.How do you want it?
D.You surprised me
PartⅡVocabulary and Structure(20points)
Directions:In this part there are30incomplete sentences.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
1.Becoming__________American citizen takes a lot of work.
2.She was the only member of her family________spoke English.
3._________he walked,he looked carefully at the ice in front of him.
4.At about twelve o’clock,the man decided______to eat his lunch.
A.being stopped
< be stopped
< stop
5.He threw stones at the birds but could not hit____________.
6.Peter is going to a lake________he can fish with his friends.
7.They________into the dormitory already.
A.have moved
D.having moved
8.Everyone is getting old,but you look_______than ever.
C.the youngest
9.-----Do you enjoy your present job?
----___________.I just do it for a living.
A.Of course
B.Not really
C.Not likely
D.Not a little
10.They________have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.
11.After dinner the minister made a short________to the guests.
12.Jean is one of those modern girls who always_________the latest fashions.
A.put up with
Be up with
C.keep up with
< along with
13.The room was so quiet that she could hear the_______of her heart.
14.This watch is_______to all of the other watches in the store.
15.The_______of the valley was very wet.
16.The sun________in the east.
17.They hid themselves________a tree.
18.The protests were not_______to New York.
19.He has never recovered from the_______of his brother’s death.
20.If you_______smoke,please go outside.
PartⅢReading Comprehension(30points)
Directions:There are three passages In this part Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Questions1to5are based on the following passage:
A little boy in South Carolina got to celebrate his birthday twice:After only one friend showed up to his birthday party,the local fire department decided to throw him another on.
The City of Beaufort Fire Department shared the story of a party the fire department held for a local boy named Cooper,who was disappointed when only one of his classmates showed up to his6th birthday party.But after a community member gave the local fire department a call,(1)the members were quick to come to his rescue.
“We jumped on board and said we’ll do whatever we can make sure he has a great birthday
and that more than one child shows up.”Beaufort firefighter Ross Vezin says.“We made arrangements to pick him up from school along with his mom and brother,and we brought him to a bowling alley(保龄球场)along with a biker group.”
The fire department was also able to bring nearly75other kids from school to celebrate alongside Cooper,whose mother,Nicoala Shiflet,said he has difficulty making friends because he suffers from autism(自闭症)”They had cake and presents and got to do some bowling,”Vezin says,”We’re also going to have him up next week.”Vezin says,“We’re going to give him a fire department T-shirt and a tour of our fire station.”
1.Who did the most to make Cooper’s second birthday party a great success?its alright
A.Firefighters from Beaufort Fire Department.
B.Men from the biker group
C.Community members
D.Cooper’s parents
2.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.About75kids showed up at Cooper’s second birthday party.
B.Cooper’s mother and brother were at his second birthday party.
C.Those joining the second birthday party did some bowling.
D.Cooper got a T-shirt from the fire department at his second birthday party.
3.The phrase have him up in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to___________
A.invite him as a guest
< him by chance
C.take care of him
D.make friends with him
4.Only one kid went to Cooper’s first birthday party because____________
A.Cooper was not good at making friends.
C.Cooper liked to play with grown-ups
D.Cooper didn’t invite his classmate
5.We learn from the passage that Cooper was_________the second birthday party.
A.disappointed with
B.satisfied with
C.frightened by
D.angry about
Questions6to10are based on the following passage:
On July20,1969,Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon.The spacesuit Armstrong
wore on his mission has come to symbolize courage and human achievement. In1971,the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum(NASM)acquired Armstrong’s suit.It
stood proudly on display for visitors to admire until there were changes in the suit’s appearance.“Over time,the suit started to show signs of deterioration(变坏).”Lisa Young says.She works at NASM and her job is to preserve historical and cultural treasures.
Plastics are tricky to preserve.They tend to degrade(降解)over time.Neoprene is one type of plastic in Armstrong a suit.The material can turn brittle and break into tiny pieces.(2)This would ruin the spacesuit.NASM,seeking ways to preserve this historical treasure,removed it from display in2006.
Yet history can still be saved.Sunlight,water,humidity,and dust can cause plastics to degrade,Scientists have found that storing plastics in cooler temperatures,with lower humidity levels,can slow degradation.Young says Armstrong’s suit is currently in storage at a temperature of63°F and a lower relative humidity of30%.These conditions will be maintained when Armstrong’s suit returns to a museum display case in time for this year’s50th anniversary(周年纪念日)of the moon landing.
Plastic degradation affects art,too.Artist Claes Oldenburg created False Food Selection in 1906.(3)It consists of plastic food displayed in a wooden box.The plastic of food used to look real.Now,some of it
has flattened and yellowed.The artwork’s wooden box produces an acidic gas that eats away at the plastic,which speeds up the degradation process.But Young is motivated to preserve this artwork and others like it.“Plastics are a part of our history,”she says,“it’s important to preserve them so that future generations can understand the journey we’ve taken.”
6.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Landing on the Moon
B.Preserving Plastics
C.Neil Armstrong’s spacesuit
D.Application of Plastics
7.The word brittle in Paragraph2probably means_________.
A.well established
B.heavily loaded
C.easily upset
D.easily broken
8.In2006,NASM removed Armstrong’s spacesuit from display to____________.
A.put it on sale
C.give it to another museum
D.look for ways to preserve it
9.In Claes Oldenburg’s False Food Selection,the wooden box_________the plastic degradation.
A.slow down
B.leads to
D.doesn’t play any role in
10.According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A.Sunlight,water and dust contribute to plastic degradation.
B.Armstrong’s spacesuit is currently on public display at NASM.
C.NASM acquired Armstrong’s spacesuit in1971.
D.Claes Oldenburg is an artist.