    My Big, Awesome Family
    Hi there! My name is Emily and I'm 8 years old. I want to tell you all about my huge, amazing family! We have a lot of people living together in one house and it's never boring. Get ready, because this is going to be a long story!
    First up is my mom. Her name is Sarah and she is a doctor. That means she helps sick people feel better at the hospital. She has to work really long hours sometimes, but I'm super proud of her. She's the smartest person I know! My mom went to school for a bajillion years to learn all about the human body and different medicines. Whenever I get a fever or catch a cold, she always knows just what to do to help me. I want to be a doctor too when I grow up so I can be just like her.
    Next is my dad, Mike. He has a really cool job working with computers all day long. He's a software engineer, which means he gets to write code and build awesome apps and programs. Sometimes he works from home in his pajamas, and other times he goes into the office. I don't totally understand what he does, but I think it's really neat! He's literally the best dad ever and is always cracking silly jokes to make me and my siblings laugh. I hope I can be as funny as him one day.
    I have two siblings - an older brother named Jacob who is 12, and a younger sister named Lily who just turned 5. Jacob is in middle school and is sooooo smart. He's obsessed with reading and knows absolutely everything there is to know about science and history. I'm not kidding, he could probably be on a quiz show! Jacob says when he grows up he wants to be an engineer and build rockets and satellites. How cool is that?! My little sister Lily is just starting kindergarten and is the cutest thing ever. She loves singing, dancing, and putting on little shows for us. I think she's going to be a famous actress or musician on Broadway one day!
    We can't forget about my grandparents who live with us too! My grandma's name is Rose and she used to be a teacher. She taught little kids like me how to read and write. Now that she's retired, she helps out a lot around the house and is an amazing cook. She makes the most delicious snickerdoodle cookies - my favorite! Whenever I'm having trouble with my homework, Grandma Rose is there to lend a hand. My grandpa Joe worked on a farm when he was younger. Now he loves working in the garden, growing fruits and vegetables for us to eat. He's also a huge sports fanatic and is always watching baseball or football games on TV. Sometimes he takes me and my siblings to the park to toss around a ball or go on nature walks.
    My family can be a little crazy and loud at times, but I wouldn't have it any other way! We may have lots of different personalities and jobs, but we all love and support each other no matter what. I feel so lucky to be surrounded by such hard-working, inspiring people every single day. Family is the best!
    My Big, Crazy Family
    Hi there! My name is Tommy and I'm going to tell you all about my huge, crazy family. We've got family members who do all sorts of fun and interesting jobs. Get ready, because my family is quite a bunch!
    First up, there's my mom and dad. My mom is named Sarah and she's a nurse at the big hospital downtown. Every day, she gets up super early and puts on her cute nurse uniform with the comfy white shoes. Then she heads to the hospital to take care of sick people and help make them feel better. She gives them medicine, checks their temperatures, and always has a warm smile on her face. My mom says that being a nurse is hard work, but she loves helping others. I'm really proud of her!
    My dad's name is Michael and he's a police officer. He wears a sharp uniform with a badge and carries a walkie-talkie around. Sometimes I get to see his cool cop car with the flashing lights on top! As a police officer, my dad's job is to keep our city safe. He catches bad guys, directs traffic, and rescues people who are in trouble. Once, he even helped get
a little kid's kitten out of a tree! My dad has to be really brave. I want to be tough like him when I grow up.
    I also have two older sisters named Emily and Stephanie. Emily is 18 and works part-time at the pet store in the mall. She loves animals SO much. At the pet store, she gets to play with all the puppies, kittens, bunnies, and birds. She feeds them, cleans their cages, and helps customers pick out new furry friends to take home. Emily's favorite part is getting to cuddle the animals all day long!
    My other sister Stephanie is 20 and goes to the big university across town. She wants to be a teacher one day. Right now, Stephanie works at a summer camp teaching little kids like me. She leads songs with her guitar, organizes fun games and activities, and even goes on camping trips with the camp! Stephanie is really good with kids and makes learning feel like playtime. I always have a blast at her camp.
    Okay, let's move on to my aunts, uncles, and cousins - this is where things get really crazy! I have three aunts named Jessica, Allison, and Karen. Jessica is a hair stylist and w
orks at an awesome salon downtown. She spends all day cutting, coloring, and styling people's hair into cool new looks. Aunt Jessica always has funky colored hair herself!
    Aunt Allison is a chef at a fancy restaurant. She's an excellent cook and creates the most delicious meals you've ever tasted! Aunt Allison lets me help decorate cakes and cookies when I visit her bakery kitchen. Watching her cook makes me want to be a chef too someday.baby be mine