Unit 3
facility [ n. 容易,便利;灵巧,熟练,敏捷;
[pl.] 设备,设施,工具;便利条件
【例句】Her facility with/in languages is surprising. 她在语言方面的才能令人吃惊。【词组】with facility容易;流利
give facilities for给予…方便
maintenance  n. 维修,保养;抚养费,生活费用;维持,保持【例句】She worked hard to earn money for the maintenance of her family. 她卖力干活为了挣钱养家糊口。
【助记】来自maintain ,manu手+tain 得到,坚持;remain +sustain
beverage  n. (水,酒等之外的)饮料
【例句】Coffee is a fragrant beverage. 咖啡是一种香味浓郁的饮料。
royal  adj. 王室的,皇家的;第一流的,高贵的
【例句】The king wears the royal crown whenever there is a formal occasion. 每当
【词组】royal road 捷径;坦途
compensation [ n. 补偿,赔偿;补偿(或赔偿)的款物【例句】He prejudiced his claim by demanding too much compensatio n. 他索赔过高反而使他的要求无法实现。
【词组】in compensation for 以…为报酬
make compensation for 补(赔)偿
discriminate [] vt. 歧视;区别;辨别
vi. 歧视;区别;辨别
【例句】It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races. 歧视外族人是不公正的,也是违法的。
【派生】discrimination n. 歧视;区别,辨别;识别力
handicap [ n. 缺陷,障碍;不利条件,困难
v. 妨碍,使不利,阻碍
【例句】Lack of money handicapped him in his business badly. 缺少资金对他的生意十分不利。
ensure [ v. 确保,保证;使安全
【例句】A letter of introduction will ensure you an interview. 凭一封介绍信准保会接待你。
【词组】ensure that/sb. sth. 确保…
ensure from保护
survey  v. & n. 俯瞰,眺望;全面审视,调查;测量图,勘定
【例句】Survey the countryside from the top of a hill从山顶眺望乡村。
【派生】surveying n. 测量;考察
absurd  adj. 愚蠢的;不合理的;荒谬的,荒诞的
【例句】Their request is absurd. 他们的要求是无理的。
【助记】①ab不+sound 合理的,健全的,可靠的,健康的→不合理
【派生】absurdity n. 荒谬;谬论;荒谬的言行
critical [ adj. 批评的;危急的;重要的
【例句】A critical temperature of water is 100℃. 在标准大气压力下,水的沸点为100℃。【词组】critical of吹毛求疵的,对…表示不满的
Part ⅠListening
Section A Phonetics
1. A
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. C
Section B Short Conversations
1. M: Janice! I’m sorry to say that you’re late again!
W: I’m awfully sorry I’m late.
M: You’re always late! What happened this time?
W: Well,I was held up at the office and then got caught in a traffic jam.
Q: What happened to Janice?
2. W: Yes,sir?
M: Excuse me,but the meat is not fresh.
W: I’m sorry,sir. I’ll ask the manager to take care of this.
M: No. I’ll go to him myself.
Q: Where does the dialogue happen?
3. W: Hello,this is Reception,Mr. Su n. You called us to report that there was
something wrong with the toilet.
M: Yes. I have never found a room with such poor facilities.
W: I’m terribly sorry about that. I’ll check with the Maintenance Department. I assure you that they will come within minutes.
M: Would you? Oh,here they come. Thank you.
Q: What is the problem?
4. M: Good evening,madam. Is there anything I can do for you?
W: I’m afraid I have to complain about your restaurant service. I was badly treated by a rude waiter.
M: Sorry to hear that,madam. Thank you for bringing the matter to our attentio n. I’ll contact the Food and Beverage Manager at once. I’m sure
he’ll deal with it.
W: Yes. Please do.
Q: What does the lady complain about?
5. W: Why are you so angry with me? I told no one but Lily your secret!
M: Well,don’t you know she is such a blabbermouth that no one trusts her?
I bet everyone will know about my secret tomorrow!
W: Sorry for having caused you a lot of trouble.
M: I hope this will not happen again in the future.
Q: How does the man describe Lily?
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. B
Section C Passages
Exercise One
Six Chinese who were flying from Amsterdam to Beijing were delayed at the airport from February 16 to 18,reported the Beijing Morning Post. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines gave each passenger an 800-euro traveler’s check in compensation. But many feel they were discriminated against.
The airline has a different view. “Poor English handicapped the Chinese passengers from understanding an in-time communication with the airport,”explained the employee from the Shanghai office of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.
With so many people traveling by plane,delays and cancellations are unavoidable. If you have a problem,use these common requests to ensure that your complaint is dealt with properly.
1)flying from
2)traveler’s check