all i want is everything
    The Person I Want to Thank the Most
    Do you have someone that you really, really want to say thank you to? I do! The person I want to thank the most in the whole wide world is my mom. My mom does sooooooo much for me every single day. I'm going to tell you all about why I'm so thankful for her.
    First of all, my mom takes care of me all the time. She wakes me up in the morning by gently shaking me and saying "Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" in a nice soft voice. Then she makes me a yummy breakfast like pancakes or oatmeal. My favorite is when she makes chocolate chip pancakes! Mmmmm they are delicious. She packs me a healthy lunch for school too with things like a sandwich, carrots, an apple, and a cookie for a treat. My mom helps me get dressed and brush my teeth. She makes sure I have everything I need for scho
ol in my backpack.
    My mom drops me off at school each morning and comes to pick me up in the afternoon. I'm always so excited to see her smiling face when school is over! When I get home, she asks me about my day and we talk about what I learned and any homework I have. Mom helps me with my homework if I get stuck on anything. She is really smart and good at explaining things in a way I can understand.
    After homework, mom makes a yummy dinner for our family. She is such a good cook! Her spaghetti and meatballs is my absolute favorite meal. Then we get to watch a little TV together or play a game before bedtime. Mom gives me a bath and gets me all ready for bed. She tucks me in, reads me a story, and gives me about a million hugs and kisses before I go to sleep. I feel so cozy, safe, and loved when mom puts me to bed.
    On the weekends, mom plans fun activities for us to do together as a family. Sometimes we go to the park and she pushes me really high on the swings. Other times we go to a movie and she buys me popcorn and candy from the snack bar. My mom takes me to so m
any cool places like the zoo, the museum, the beach, and lots of other places. We always have a blast doing things together!
    Mom also helps me when I'm sick or hurt. If I have a tummy ache, she rubs my belly and gives me medicine to make me feel better. When I got chickenpox last year, she stayed home from work to take care of me. She put calamine lotion all over my itchy spots and brought me popsicles, books, and movies to help me pass the time. If I get a cut or scrape, mom cleans it and puts a Batman or Avengers bandaid on to make it all better. She makes the most amazing chicken noodle soup from scratch when I have a cold. It makes my throat feel so much better!
    Another reason I'm thankful for my mom is that she is always there for me when I'm sad or upset. Like that time in second grade when I didn't get picked for the lead role in the school play. I was crying so hard because I wanted to be the princess soooo bad. Mom just held me and let me cry. Then she told me she was proud of me for auditioning and that I was her little princess no matter what. Or when I fell off my bike last summer and scraped u
p my knee really bad, mom scooped me up and rocked me in her arms until I stopped crying. She is always ready to give me a big hug whenever I'm having a bad day.
    My mom works very hard every day, but she still always puts me first. She stays up late at night doing chores like laundry, cleaning, and making my lunch for the next day after I go to bed. But she still wakes up early to get me ready for school without complaining. On weekends, she does yard work and house projects, but she makes sure to take breaks to play with me. My mom never acts grumpy or upset even after long days, she just smiles at me. I'm her whole world and she shows it.
    I try so hard to be a good kid and make my mom proud of me. I do my best in school, help out around the house, and always try to have good manners. I love seeing the look of pride on her face when I get a good grade or do something nice for others. I want to make mom's life a little easier since she works so hard for me.
    Mom is my best friend in the entire universe. She is the most caring, loving, hard-working, and amazing mom ever. I'm not sure what I would do without her. My mom means
absolutely everything to me and I love her more than anything. I hope she knows just how thankful I am for all the millions of things she does for me each and every day. She is the person I want to thank the most!
    The Person I Want to Thank the Most
    Guess who is the most wonderful person in the whole wide world? It's my mommy! My mommy is the person I want to thank the most. She does so many amazing things for me every single day. I really really appreciate everything she does to take care of me and make me happy.