一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  Don't smoke in the meeting room, ____________ ?
A. do you
B. will you
C. can you
D. could you
2.  One____________if one breaks the law.
A. will be punished
B. will punish
C. is being punished
D. has been punished
3.  Such problems ____________ as soon as possible.
A. have solved
B. have been solving
C. have to solve
D. have to be solved
4.  It is a problem that doesn't need____________right now.
A. to solve
B. solving
C. being solved
D. to be solving
5.  The news reporters hurried to the airport, only____________the film stars had left.
A. to tell
B. to be told
C. telling
D. told
6.  — You should have thanked her before you left.— I meant____________, but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere.
A. to do
B. to
C. doing
D. doing so时代主题曲时间煮雨
7.  The little girl must have lain there for a long time,____________ ?
A. mustn't she
B. hasn't she
C. wasn't she
D. didn't she
8.  When are they ____________ in their plan?
A. hand
B. handed
C. to hand
D. give
9.  If you refuse to go to the party,____________.
A. so would she
B. so does she
C. so will she
D. neither will she
10.  Your shirt needs____________ . You'd better have it done today.
A. iron
B. to iron
C. ironing
D. being ironed
11.  My classmate____________a lot of good deeds for others.
A. has been done
B. did
C. was doing
D. had done
12.  Will you lend him a magazine ____________?
A. to be read
B. for reading
C. to read
D. he read
13.  The purpose of new technology is to make life easier,____________it more difficult.
离别的痛A. not making
B. not make
C. not to make
D. nor to make
14.  An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered____________clear warnings before firing any shots.
A. to issue
B. being issued
C. to have issued
D. to be issued
15.  I didn't see the minister,____________ did I see the secretary.
A. so
B. nor
C. either
D. none
崔真实前夫自杀16.  The bank is reported in the local newspaper____________ in broad daylight yesterday.
A. robbed
B. to have been robbed
C. being robbed
D. having been robbed
沙宝亮 野子
17.  "Did you enjoy last night's concert?""Yes. Though the last piece__________rather poorly. "克拉恋人结局
A. was played
B. played
C. was playing
D. playing
18.  He thought that ____________.
A. the effort doing the job was not worth
B. the effort was not worth in doing the job
C. it was not worth the effort doing the job
D. it was not worth the effort by doing the job
19.  Come and sit down by the fire. Your hand____________.
A. feel so coldly
B. is feeling so cold
C. feels so cold
D. is felt so cold
20.  I've enjoyed____________ to talk with you.
A. to be able
B. being able
C. to been able
D. of being able
21.  Jack____________ in the street when I____________on him.
A. called
B. was walking ... was calling
C. walked ... was calling
D. alled
22.  They found a pile of gold at the entrance. There was____________ more inside the cave.
A. yet
B. still
C. many
D. lot of
23.  ____________ , I found all the seats were taken.
A. To enter the classroom
B. Entered the classroom
C. Entering the classroom
D. To be entered the classroom
24.  Kate said that ____________.
A. she had finished writing the composition the night before
B. she had finished writing the composition last day
C. I finished writing the composition on the last night
D. she finished writing the composition before the night
25.  A number of paintings in the castle are believed____________in a fire.
A. being destroyed
B. having been destroyed
C. to be destroyed
D. to have been destroyed
26.  I’m going to Xi'an next week. Have you anything ____________to your parents?
A. to take
B. to be taken
C. to be bought to
D. to buy
27.  The complicated problem can be solved by the computer within ____________ a few seconds.
A. even
B. just
无名指的等待mvC. exact
D. very
28.  Seeing the police coming, away____________ .
A. the thieves ran
B. had the thieves run
C. ran the thieves
D. did the thieves run
29.  As a result of my laziness, I failed____________my work in time.
A. and finished
B. to finish
C. and finishing
D. to finished
30.  By the end of 2020 China ____________much stronger and richer.
A. will become
B. would become
C. is becoming
D. will have become
31.  The event ____________ at the time last year.
A. happens
B. happened
C. is happened