    Christmas Cheer and a Sales Pitch
    It was just a regular day at work in the call center. I had been taking calls all morning, dealing with customers asking about their orders, making returns, and getting tech support on the gadgets we sell. It's not the most exciting job in the world, but it pays the bills while I'm working my way through university.
    Around lunchtime, my manager Amanda gathered the team for a quick meeting. "Alright guys, listen up! Christmas is just around the corner, and you know what that means - opportunity!" She rubbed her hands together with a big smile. "We need to really push our holiday product line this year. Plenty of our loyal customers will be looking for gifts for their loved ones."
    I groaned inwardly. Every year it was the same old song and dance - using the holiday season as an excuse to push more products and promotions down customers' throats. But Amanda insisted it was important to hit our sales targets for the quarter.
    "We've got some awesome gift sets and bundles available this year. Scented candles, luxury bath sets, the latest smart home tech - all perfect for stuffing those stockings. And don't forget our holiday-themed items like the light-up reindeer sculpture or Santa's Wonderland cosmetics line. People eat that stuff up!"
    I've got to admit, some of the holiday items did look pretty cool and festive. But pushing all those extras on top of the products people actually wanted always felt a bit slimy to me. Still, I knew I'd have to go along with the script if I wanted to keep my job.
    The next call came through - it was Mrs. Johnson, an older woman who had been a customer for years. Her voice was warm and friendly as always. "Hi there dear, I was just calling to place my annual order for some Christmas gifts."
lonely lonely christmas    "Of course, Mrs. Johnson! It's so nice to hear from you again. What did you have in mind this year for your loved ones?" I asked, putting on my best cheerful customer service voice.
    Mrs. Johnson listed off a few tech items - a new tablet for her grandson, a smart speaker for her daughter and son-in-law. Easy enough orders that I could process quickly. But this was my chance to slip in some of those holiday promotions.
    "Those all sound like wonderful gifts! You know, we actually have a special Christmas bundle available that included that tablet along with some " I launched into my well-rehearsed sales pitch about the holiday gift set that packaged the tablet with a kid's smartwatch, building block set, and stuffed reindeer toy.
    "Oh my, that does sound delightful!" Mrs. Johnson exclaimed. "My grandson would just love all those extras. And it would save me some trouble having to shop around for little stocking stuffers."
    Score! She took the bait. I rang up the bundle set, feeling a little pang of guilt for tacking
on all those extra nonsense items. But it was kiddy stuff, so hopefully the little guy would get some enjoyment out of it.
    Mrs. Johnson paused for a moment. "You know, while I've got you on the line, I should probably get a little something for my daughter too since you mentioned having some of those holiday "
    And she was off. I spent the next 20 minutes going through our listings of scented candles, bath gift baskets, cosmetics sets, all highly marked up for the holiday season of course. Mrs. Johnson kept saying "Ooh that sounds lovely!" and tacking on more and more items to her order total.
    Finally, she paused again. "And you know, I really should pick up a few nice decorative pieces while I'm at it. My granddaughters are coming to visit and I want the house looking festive for them."
    I inwardly groaned as I started describing things like the light-up reindeer sculpture, glitte
ry nutcracker figures, and dell'arte Santa cookie jars. These things were insanely overpriced for being such cheap, mass-produced tat. But Mrs. Johnson seemed to eat it all up.
    "Yes, yes, put me down for one of those too! Oh and I'll need some extra stocking stuffers as well - those mini candles and hand sanitizers should do the trick!"
    By the end of the call, what had started as a simple three-item order had ballooned into a massive range of gifts, decorations, and Holiday-themed doodads totaling well over 500. As I wished Mrs. Johnson a "Very Merry Christmas!" I felt hugely satisfied at ringing up such a but also kind of gross for laying on the upsell so thick.
    Over the next couple of weeks leading up to Christmas, I followed that same pattern on call after call. Long-time customers would ring up looking for some basic gift items, and I would cheerfully suggest all sorts of extraneous holiday extras to go along with it.