dreams are my reality
    My Dream of Becoming a Writer
    Ever since I was a little kid, I've always loved books and stories. I remember my mom reading to me every night before bed, and those were some of my favorite times. We'd snuggle up together, and she'd use different voices for each character, bringing the tales to life. Whether it was classic fairy tales like Cinderella or fun adventures like Where the Wild Things Are, I was completely captivated.
    As I got older and learned to read on my own, I became obsessed with books. I would beg my parents to take me to the library or bookstore constantly so I could get new reading material. I'd plow through stacks of books from the children's section, devouring stories about magic tree houses, boys who wouldn't grow up, and rats of nimh. My parents had to keep bu
ying me new bookcases for my overflowing collection.
    Eventually, I didn't just want to read the stories anymore - I wanted to create my own. I started trying to write short stories when I was around 7 or 8 years old. My first ones were pretty terrible, just copying plots from books I'd read with slightly different character names. But I kept at it, filling up notebooks and notebooks with my scribbled tales about dragons, haunted houses, taking trips to the moon, and anything else I could imagine.
    As I've gotten older and a better writer, I've realized that being an author is my absolute dream career. I want to craft stories that captivate people's imaginations and transport them to new worlds, just like all the books I loved reading when I was younger. I want kids to beg their parents to read them my books at bedtime. I want families to snuggle up together and get lost in the adventures I create with my words.
    More than that, though, I know books can be powerful. The stories we're exposed to as kids help shape our view of the world and our beliefs about what's possible. I want to write books that inspire other kids to dream big and believe in themselves. Books that show kids
facing challenges that they ultimately overcome through courage, perseverance, and thinking creatively. Books with characters who come from all backgrounds and demonstrate that heroes can look like anyone. Books that tackle important real-world topics in age-appropriate ways to help kids process what's happening in the world around them.
    When I'm an author, I want to weave real meaning and substance into my stories along with all the fun and magic. I don't just want to entertain kids (though that's definitely a huge part of it!) - I want to empower them and give them role models to look up to. If even one kid is inspired to go after their own dreams because of one of my books, then I'll have achieved my goal.
    Of course, being an author isn't all about writing books. These days, there are so many possibilities for storytelling across different media like movies, TV shows, video games, podcasts, and more. As a writer, I want to explore all those different avenues for creative expression. Maybe one of my book series could get turned into an animated film or TV show that kids love. Or I could work on developing roles for strong, positive characters who
could be inspiring toy lines or video games. The storytelling possibilities seem endless, and I can't wait to dive in.
    No matter what form my stories take, though, the most important thing is creating something meaningful that stays with kids long after they've finished the book, show, game, or whatever it is. Stories have such power to shape young minds and give kids the self-confidence, strength, and determination to go out and accomplish amazing things. I want to be a part of crafting those narratives that will help cultivate the next generation of leaders, dreamers, and changemakers.
    Becoming an author is going to be really hard work, and I know there will be a lot of challenges along the way. The publishing world is competitive, and it can be tough to catch a break as a new writer. I'll probably face tons of rejection before I get my first book deal. Even once I'm published, my work may get criticized or not sell as well as I'd hoped. It's definitely not an easy career path.
    But every time I think about giving up, I just remember how happy I feel when I'm writing,
bringing characters and worlds to life with my words. I think about how much books have inspired and empowered me over the years, and I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to maybe create that experience for other kids. With perseverance, creativity, and a whole lot of re-writing, I know my dream of being an author is possible. All I have to do is keep writing, keep working hard, and most importantly - keep believing in myself.