1. Since Tom and Paul are partners, they need to___D____ every issue concerning their common interests.
A. take back
B. talk back
C. take over
D. talk over
2. __D__ I am concerned, playing video games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.
A. For one thing
B. For what
C. As long as
D. As far as
3. The children were all _D___ at the feats (绝技) of Superman.
A. exclaimed
B. disturbed
C. collapsed
D. amazed
4. Every one of them agreed to attend the meeting _C__ Mary.
A. except for
B. beside
C. except
D. besides
5. Ann has a wheelchair that was _A__ designed for her.
A. specially
B. especially
C. special
D. especial
6. Is it accurate to predict the result ___D______ the basis of one secret vote?
A. with
B. off
C. in
D. on
7. Those who look at goods in shop windows with no    B of buying are called window shoppers.
A. invention
B. intention
C. attention
D. prevention
8. The new books were    C neatly on the table.
A. turned out
B. turned down
C. laid out
D. laid down
9. After failing four times, I    A passed my driving test.
A. eventually
B. frequently
C. extremely
D. reluctantly
10. You should    B this opportunity to practice your oral English.
A. take care of
B. take advantage of
C. take out
D. take off
11. John is the only one that has the    D to get into the house.
A. efficiency
B. foundation
C. determination
D. privilege人类呀爱我吧
12. He talks about Rome    C he had been there before.
A. as well as
B. as long as
C. as if
D. as soon as
13. The twin brothers were so much alike that even their own parents __C_____one _____ the
other sometimes.
A. longed…for
B. pulled…into
C. mistook…for
D. took…over
14. The fire ____C__ two persons’ death as well as the damage of all the store’s property.
A. is resulted from
B. is resulted from
C. resulted in
D. resulted from
15. It was 8 sharp when the train ____D_____ into London.
A. drew
B. entered
C. dragged
D. pulled
16. The airplane ___B_____ into the clouds.
A. held
B. vanished
C. reduced
D. finished
17. There’s little chance that mank ind would ___B__ a nuclear war.
A. endure
B. survive
C. experience
D. suffer
18. It is reported that two cars ____D_____ into each other this morning on the highway, killing both drivers and two passengers.
A. crawled
B. crouched
C. pressed
D. crashed
19. The new English dictionary I bought yesterday __C____ me almost twenty yuan.
A. spent
B. paid
C. cost
D. owned
20. He is _____B___ a successful pop music composer.
A. known to
B. known as
C. known for
D. known
21. The chemistry teacher asked the pupil what water is ___A____ of.
A. composed
B. consisted
C. made
D. based
22. The house was ____B_____ occupied by a Spanish couple.
A. extremely
B. originally
C. absolutely
易欣djD. unfortunately
23. They couldn’t go to the concert ___C_______ the heavy snow.
A. in spite of
B. as to
C. because of
D. but for
24. Jim continued on his way, the dog __B_____about in front of him.
A. jumped
B. was jumping
C. jump
D. jumping
25. Mother ___C____ that we be back before 6 in the evening.
A. resisted
B. persisted
C. insisted
D. consisted
26. He seems poor, but I __C____ he has quite a lot of money.
A. expect
B. inspect
C. suspect
D. doubt
27. He is such a nice person    B everyone in his neighborhood likes to talk to him.
A. so that
B. that
C. who
D. whom
28. No one can deny the fact    D Bob’s attempt to help his brother failed.
A. which
B. what
C. When
D. that
29. The defeated army had to __B____ hastily from the field of battle to the coast.
A. advance
B. retreat
C. march
D. surrender
30. He spent two hours ___D____ the math problem.
A. tried to solve
B. to try solving
C. for trying to solve
D. trying to solve
1. The students who study abroad return home with a greater vigor for academic pursuits and a
renewed interest in lifelong learning.
2. Growth is frequently painful and confusing, but that does not make it any less necessary or
3. When we achieve that lifestyle balance, we will more easily attain that inner peace we all strive
4. Ask for help. You don’t have to do everything yourself. Don’t just sit back and say, “I don’t know.”寻求帮助。你不必自己做每件事。不要只是坐着说,“我不知道。”
5. Because you don’t want to stay up all night packing and wear yourself out before you even leave for the trip.
1. 该公司所有的员工毫无例外,都必须参加这会议。
All employees of the company, without exception, must attend the meeting.
2. 我宁可写一篇论文,也不要参加考试。
I would rather write an essay than taking part in the exam
3. 我的医生说我应该少吃含盐高的食物,以降低血压。
My doctor says I should cut back on sodium-rich foods to lower my blood pressure.
4. 现在,许多发展战略都把农业和农村的发展放在优先地位。
Currently, many development strategies put the agriculture and rural areas to the priority status.
5. 任何一个具有常识的人都不会干出那种傻事。
Anyone commonsense foolishthing like
Directions: Write a composition about one of the following topics in at least three paragraphs with no  less than 120 words.
Topic 1 My View on Failure
Topic 2 Pros and Cons of Internet Games
Topic 3 Is Honesty Out-of-date?
Topic 4 Importance of Good Impression on Others Topic 5 How to Prevent Cheating on Exams Topic 6 How to Stay Healthy