游戏中常见英语词汇(Common English words in games)Common English words in games
Electronic Game video game
AVG (Adventure Game) adventure game
Graphic Adventure graphics adventure game
Text Adventure text adventure game
PZL (puzzle game) decryption game
STG (shooting Game) shooting game
Doomlike 3D game design
FTG (Fighting Game) combat games
FlightSim aircraft model game
RPG (RolePlaying Game) role playing game
Hidden Level hides checkpoints
High resolution HighRes
Hint tips
HP (HIT Point) vitality
HUD (HeadsUP display) flight instrument panel Interface game interface
Joypad game handle
Joystick joystick
Level checkpoint
Moves moves
MP (Magic Point) magic point
NPC (Non Player Character) non player characters
小沈阳 都要好好的
Passord pass
高以翔个人资料Player killing player killer
Puzzle puzzle
Round round
Scaling scaling
Stage checkpoint
Storyline plot
Subboss hidden leader
Walkthrough game introduction
NetworkGames online games
想飞的自由落体mp3MUD (Dungeon Multiuser)
Multi user dungeons, commonly known as mud embedded in the Internet, allow many people to participate in real-time games, generally similar to RPG gameplay, but most of the text mode
RSG (Realtime Strategy Game) instant strategy game
SPT (Sport) sports games
Bug program bug
Cheat Game Cheats
Clock Speed game execution speed
Code password
EasterEgg Easter egg
Engine game engine
ExperiencePoint experience points
View Perspective
FirstPerson first person perspective
Second Person second person perspective Third Person third person perspective FMV (Video Fullmotion) full motion video FreeGuy extra life
Power Strength
Agile Agility/Dexterity
Endurance Stamina/Patience
Intelligence Intellect
Spirit Spirit
Energy Vigor
Vitality Vitality/Vigor
Will Willpower
Purification of Cleansing
Charming Charmsty
Mana Spell/Mana
Luck Luck
Prayer Prayer
Perception power Perception Immunity Immune/Immunity
Life force Hit Point (HP)
Magic power Magic Point (MP) Experience points Experience Point Powerful Mighty
Threat / threat Intimidate Perfusion / injection of Infuse Penetrating Infiltrate
Parasitic Infest
Resurrection Reincarnate Approaching Impending
Pierce Impale
Tough Fortitude