feel my soul    I can't stand the way he looks at me, it's just so creepy and disgusting. It's like his eyes are boring into my soul, and I can feel his gaze crawling all over my body. I just want to scream and run away every time he looks at me like that.
    The way he leers at me makes my skin crawl. It's like he's undressing me with his eyes, and I feel so violated and dirty. I wish he would just stop staring at me like that, it's making me feel sick to my stomach.
    I can't help but feel a shiver down my spine every time his eyes linger on me for too long. It's like he's trying to intimidate me with his gaze, and I can't shake off the feeling of unease and revulsion. I just want to escape from his disgusting stare.
    His eyes are like daggers, piercing through me with their predatory and lecherous gaze. It's like he's trying to make me feel small and vulnerable, and I can't help but feel nauseous and repulsed by his disgusting look. I just wish he would leave me alone and stop making me feel so uncomfortable.
    The way he stares at me is just so unsettling and repulsive. It's like he's trying to assert his dominance and power over me with his eyes, and I can't help but feel sickened and revolted by his disgusting gaze. I just want to get away from him and his creepy, nauseating stare.