wake me up before you go你一天的时间安排英语作文五年级
    My Daily Schedule
    Hi there! My name is Emily and I'm a 5th grader at Oakdale Elementary School. Today I'm going to tell you all about my daily schedule from the moment I wake up to the time I go to bed at night. Get ready, because it's a pretty busy day for me!
    My day starts at 6:30am when my mom comes into my bedroom to wake me up. She opens the curtains to let in the morning sunlight and says "Rise and shine sleepyhead! Time to start a new day." I stretch my arms out wide and let out a big yawn. Even though I'm still a little tired, I know I need to get up and get ready for school.
    After putting on my clothes for the day, I head to the kitchen where my dad is making break
fast. He's an awesome cook and always makes me something delicious and healthy to eat before school. My favorite is when he makes blueberry pancakes! While I'm eating, I'll usually watch a few minutes of my favorite cartoon to help wake me up.
    At 7:30am, I grab my backpack and lunchbox and my mom drives me to school. The ride takes about 15 minutes. I like to look out the window and make up stories in my head about the people, houses and cars we pass by. When we get to school, my mom always says "Have a great day and work hard! I'll see you this afternoon."
    My first class of the day starts at 8:15am. It's math, which happens to be one of my best subjects. I love solving equations and working on challenging word problems. After math, I have reading class at 9:30am. We're studying a really cool book right now about kids who go on amazing adventures in space. I've always dreamed of being an astronaut when I grow up!
    Around 11am, we get a break for snack and recess. My friends and I like to play categories on the playground, like naming different types of dogs or superhero movies. Afte
r recess, we have science class where we've been learning about the human body. Getting to see diagrams of how our bodies work is so fascinating!
    The lunch bell rings at 12:15pm. I usually pack a sandwich, some carrots, an apple and a cookie that my mom bakes fresh each morning. Sometimes I'll trade half of my sandwich for part of my friend's lunch if she has something that looks really tasty that day.
    My afternoon classes are social studies at 1pm and writing at 2:15pm. In social studies, we're studying ancient civilizations which I find really interesting, especially learning about the Egyptians and how they built the pyramids. As for writing class, we've been working on descriptive paragraphs using lots of adjectives to make our words come alive.
    Finally, the school day ends at 3:30pm. My dad picks me up and we head home. Once there, I have a little downtime to relax, have a snack, and watch a bit of TV or play outside if the weather is nice. Around 5pm, I start on my homework for the night. Having a schedule really helps me get it all done without feeling too overwhelmed.
    We eat dinner as a family at 6:30pm. I love this time because we can talk about our days and just spend time together. My favorite meals are spaghetti, tacos, or anything with chicken nuggets! After dinner, I take a bath and get my pajamas on.
    At 8pm, it's time to relax before bed. I'll read, work on a puzzle, or play a boardgame with my parents. No matter what, we always take time to talk about the best part of our days and anything fun or interesting we learned. My bedtime is at 9pm sharp because I'm a kid who needs lots of sleep to grow big and strong!
    As you can see, my daily schedule is pretty action-packed between school, homework, activities and family time. But I love keeping busy and trying my best at all the things I do. Every day is a chance to learn something new and have fun too. I feel very lucky!
    That's all for my daily routine. Thanks for reading along! I'll talk to you again soon.
    My Daily Schedule
    Hi there! My name is Emily and I'm a 5th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. Today I'm going to tell you all about my typical daily schedule. Get ready because there's a lot to cover!
    My day usually starts around 7:00am when my mom comes into my bedroom and says "Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" I groan and pull the covers over my head, trying to get a few more minutes of zzz's. But eventually, the delicious smell of pancakes cooking makes me throw off the blankets. Nothing gets me out of bed faster than the thought of my mom's famous chocolate chip pancakes!
    After quickly getting dressed, I head downstairs to the kitchen. My little brother Jacob is already at the table, munching away. I stick my tongue out at him before digging into my own stack of pancakes covered in sweet syrup. Yum!