惊天魔盗团 Now You See Me 中英台词对白
靠近点 Come in close.
再近点 Closer.
当觉得自己看到的越多 Because the more you think you see,
你就越容易受骗 the easier it'll be to fool you.
眼见真的为实吗 Because what is seeing?
你的眼睛在看 You're looking,
但其实你是在过滤 ?在理解 but what you're really doing is filtering, interpreting,
在寻其中的意义 searching for meaning.
我的工作 My job?
就是用你给我最好的礼物 ?你的注意力 To take that most precious of gifts you give me, your attention,
来给你制象 and use it against you.
芝加哥 星期一
我现在要开始翻牌了 I'm going to flip through this deck.
我要你看清楚一张牌 And I want you to see one card.
不是这张 ?这张太明显 Not this one. That's too obvious.
集中好注意力 Pay close attention.
太快了 ?我再来一次 That was too fast. I'll do it again.
准备好了吗 Are you ready?
来了 Okay.
-看清一张了吗 ?-是的 - Now did you see one? - Yes.
-记得是哪一张吗 ?-是的 - Do you have one in mind? - Yes.
这其中有那张牌吗 Now, do you see your card here?
没有 No.
因为你看得太仔细 That's because you're looking too closely.
我一整晚都怎么跟你们说的 And what have I been telling you all night?
看得越仔细 The closer you look,
看到的越少 The less you see.
新奥尔良 星期二
看着我的眼睛 Now look into my eyes.
沉睡吧 ?好了 And sleep. Okay.
然后 And…
你要能把这钞票从我手上拿走 ?就归你了 If you can get this bill from me, you can have it.
来吧 ?拿去 ?过来拿 Go ahead. Take it. Get it.
或者说出你自己的名字也行 If you can say your name, you can have it.
你先站那儿缓一缓 All right, just hang out there, wriggle a sec.
我要偷窥一下你老公的脑子 I'm gonna take a little peek under the hood of your hubby's brain.
不不不 Oh, no, no, no.
我看到了… I'm picturing…
-别告诉我 ?-当然 - Don't tell me. - Of course.
沙滩 ?鸡尾酒 Beach. Cocktails.
佛罗里达吗 Florida?
听着 ?那次是因公出差 Look, it was a business trip.
某种意义上的公事 I mean, it is a kind of business.
也许是最陈年的往事 Maybe the oldest business.
那个 ?亲爱的 ?我们 You know what, Honey Bee, let's…
她动不了 ?麦克 She can't move, Mack.
你在想一个女人的名字 You're thinking of a woman's name.
A ?B ?C A, B, C,
D ?E ?F ?G ?D ,E F, G,
H ?I ?J H, I, J…
J吗 ?金 ?简 ?詹尼特 J? Jean. Jane. Janet.
谁是詹尼特 Who's Janet?
你认识詹尼特吗 You know Janet?
不是你的闺蜜吧 ?是吗 It's not your best friend, is it?
-你的妹妹 ?-不 ?别这样 - Your sister? - No, please.
她的妹妹 ?我的天啊 Her sister? Oh, my God.
你不是因公出差 You weren't away on business.
-你是因詹尼特出差 ?-不 - You were away on Janet. - No.
你老婆的妹妹 Your wife's sister!
我们得挪过来一点 Okay, we need to move over here,
因为她现在看上去有点恼火 because it seems like she's a little bit upset right now.
你想让这一切都过去吗 You want this to go away?
-是的 ?-好 ?拿出你的钱包 - Yes. - Okay, pull out your wallet.
来吧 ?拿出来 Come on, get it out.
你就是这么讹人的吗 Do you shake down everybody like this?
不 ?只对小部分特殊人士管用 No, only the special few.
这是多少 ?200块怎么样 What is this? Two hundred seem fair?
这事够大条的 ?那就250块吧 You know what? This is a big deal. Let's go $250.
你是个抢劫艺人 You're a stick-up artist.
是的 ?当然了 Yeah. Of course.
好了 ?睡吧 Okay, and sleep!
当我再打响指时 Now, when I snap my fingers,
你会忘记这一切 you won't remember any of this.
而你 ?华伦·贝蒂 And you, Warren Beatty,
以后每次你见到甚至想到詹尼特 every time you see or even think of Janet,
脑中都会浮现出我裸体的样子 you're gonna picture me naked.
那可没什么好看 And that's not a pretty sight.
好吧 Yeah.
现在 ?你醒了 And… You're wide awake!
我们尽力了 Well, we did the best we could,
但有些人就是没办法被催眠 but some people just aren't to be hypnotized.
-我做错了吗 ?-来吧 ?亲爱的 - I did it wrong? - Come on, Honey Bee.
没有 ?你做得很好 Oh, no, you did it fine.
我请你吃晚饭吧 Let me buy you dinner.
照顾好她 Look after her.
不过得先台取款机取点钱 Just have to hit an ATM first.
纽约 星期三
女士们先生们 ?我是下一任大魔术师 Ladies and gentlemen, I am the next great magician,
识破我魔术的人将得到100块奖励 and I will give $100 to anyone who can tell me how this trick is done.
这是一把的普通勺子 I have an ordinary spoon from Mel's Deli,
就从布鲁克林的梅尔斯德里餐厅拿来的 right here in Brooklyn.
看看 Check it out.
现在请大家集中注意力 Now, everyone please pay very, very close attention.
我要用意念来弯曲这把勺子 Because I'm about to bend this spoon with my mind.
谢谢 ?谢谢 ?传下去吧 Thank you. Thank you. Pass that around.
-这是什么 ?-你在干什么 - What's this? - What are you doing, man?
快看 ?这有把勺子和一根勺柄 Look at this! Looks like we got a spoon and a stem.
我还会别的魔术 I've got other tricks.
先把那100块给我 Or you could give me my 100 bucks.
你说了你会给的 You said you would.
钱包不错嘛 Nice wallet.
好眼力 ?先生 You have a very good eye, sir.
谢谢 Thanks.
我的钱包 Wallet.
我的钱包 ?我的手表 My wallet. My watch!
拦住那家伙 Stop that guy!
拦住那个穿皮夹克的人 Stop that guy in the leather jacket!
他拿了我的钱包 He's got my wallet!
洛杉矶 星期四
洛杉矶 Okay, Los Angeles,
准备好欣赏压轴大戏了吗 are we ready to end this thing?
没错 Yeah!
当那计时器归零 When that timer hits zero,
这装满食人鱼的箱子 a tank full of flesh-eating piranhas