-Angel:Each angel is holding the hands of a key to open the door to miracles, but people who understand this truth, very few. Change the fate of the miracle, and never in a hurry would appear, as long as the dream of changing hearts, the accumulation step by step, one day, a miracle of the door will open for you!
妖精:携手步入婚姻礼堂的,并非自己最爱的人,而是选择了第二爱人。也许有人以此自夸,交往的人是否是你一生中第二爱的人,又有多少人是真正明白。可是,为有一点可以确信:一生中最爱的人,当你即将失去她的瞬间,才会发现她在你心中的位置。但,一切都晚了! -
-Angel:Hand in hand into the marriage hall, not his favorite, but chose the second lover. Some may boast of this, whether the interaction is the second love of your life people, how many people really understand. However, for one thing is sure: people who love life, when you are about to lose her the moment, will find her place in your heart. But, all too late!-
--Angel:History's most successful thing "excuse."
- KENZO :Did not complete the goal, before doing nothing meaningful.
---Angel:The so-called life is sometimes cruel hoax. You humans have wanted to use the wrong words ring true for a case of "no thought" or "accidental" as a shield
-Hotel children: think the adults this is the most useless, desperately want love, there do not want to pay, so it keeps well become more distant
妖精:王尔德曾经说过:男人希望成为女人的第一个恋人,而女人希望成为男人的最后一个恋人。你呢(指健)虽然身为男人,却从心底希望成为她(礼)的最后一个恋人 -
---Angel:  -Oscar Wilde once said: a man wants to be a woman's first lover, while women want to be the last man lover. You (refer to health) although as a man, yet my heart wants to be her (ceremony) last lover
---Angel:    -Most human beings have realized the truth in the end. Done in the history of mankind the best thing is to fin
d an excuse
妖精:看不见的告白,就像在观光地的石碑上写着的俳句一样 -
---Angel:          -See the confession, as in the tourist places of haiku written on the stone
妖精:难以言表的感激等于不感激 -
---Angel:        -Words can not appreciate the gratitude of equal
---Angel:-Graduation can be said to be leaving, but also can be said to depart, it was rather sad for the parting, it was to get rid of the jump for joy. After graduation everyone's feelings are turned into books of a diploma
礼的爷爷:想说的话就要说出来,以为不说对方就能明白,那是大错特错了。不要做后悔的事哦,以为总会有明天会吃苦头的哦。明天再做的人是傻瓜 -
REL's grandfather:-Want to say we should say it, do not say that the other can understand, it is wrong. Do not regret the things Oh, that tomorrow will always suffer, oh. Tomorrow is the fool who do -
-KENZO :REL has been by my side, I take for granted that she should be on my side, always felt that no matter what confession is the  time to do things. Obviously depend on so close, but could do nothing .... I do not want everything becomes irreversible ...
----Angel:When people in distress will not ring true, we began to find their own reasons, circumstances, time, weather, fortuneand rely on all kinds of excuses to comfort themselves
---Angel:-Presumptuous to jump to conclusions, not try to to rest, this is a common problem of mankind. Do not try to go all out to hand off the door of miracles, happiness will never be waving to you. Only in his mind to others, you are not die. Jump to conclusions is taboo, I take to heart
-If things do not want to lose, even if a joke, can not be rushed to take the first step is the most important. Not determined a go, Oh may have been dragged
Angel:-When people in distress will not ring true, we began to find their own reasons, timing of the weather conditions fortune, relying on all kinds of excuses to comfort themselves, thinking "should not be like this, really want to start over", start over really all the best you can? Will be able to resolve the initial unsatisfactory over again, so that confidence in the end come from?
--Angel:-Heard a saying that goes "at the resurrection," it? You witnessed the death of so easily to people? Humans can be said to be strong, and just want to express their mind each other, you are not die
-Dedicated to youth, I have three words of advice: work, hard work, work in the end.
-REL:n the 20 years of age, there was a problem that must be answered. As of today, afraid to know the real answer, has been trying to avoid, but I figured out, did not want that, do not really face to usher in their 20th birthday. -
-Do not give it a try, how to know if there is no answer?
---Angel:-2 people have for each other consideration, the result is pass, really make people feel irony. Love is a self-centered, even if such a view, but you still can not act according to their intent, it means you like each other.
- -KENZO :like the ritual, like to cry. (When I heard this cry)
---Angel:-To fail several times before you happy? Why are so dependent on chance ah time? The lights changed to confession, say the car was opened, only when two people declare. Because only cares about such small things that can not catch a big happiness
-It is because the only people in love can not be instantly forgotten, is not it? -
-This will become a matter of course it? Who will become a matter of course is not here yet?
-End, is really quite simple. Older, and goes away a lot of things. There are many things that do not have too reluctant ah. There is no need for things, no sense ah trouble ah, words sent the things in the future there will be many. However, the memories, ah, ah memories, is the product of such things
-KENZO :-Heavily intertwined with the years, tears can not help but crisp, this thought will not go away, it can never forget, and she still like ceremony, so can not afford like REL
-KENZO :Each return to the past, I always tried running silently, do not understand what is the right way to do is keep running hard. REL, there is nothing to convey to your mind it? And I have you drifting away, the distance between us, so how much running you can shorten it? However, one thing is certain, I still really like you. No matter how far separated, only this feeling will not change. REL, you are mine in the world, love the most  -
-KENZO :-In order to rewrite that part of my most painful memories, I'm standing here
---Angel:-Exposure happy where we do not know, perhaps unexpected happiness with you. Want to be happy in the bag, one thing essential, that is, no matter how devastated by misfortune, not to tie him down by a slump. In sum, hands-on, this is the first step to open the door of happiness.
---Angel:-The key to open the door to a miracle, is hidden in your heart ah!
-KENZO :After graduating from college, five difficult several are. But no matter how often, that moment, as if let me return to my student days. I also understand that such a happy time, will eventually come to an end. Once smile, joy, regret, is the illusion? Have turned into a depression.
REL:-Do not try, then it will not know if there are any answers, even if there is no answer, find other issues just fine. Those whom shed tears, the sad thing, as the memories are now able to talk about. The passage of time only in t
he moment.
-All the more important to the future. Compared to the past we used to own, I cherish the time we spent together since.
- KENZO :Fourteen years to date, REL around me for granted. Such a natural thing, soon disappeared. The day with laughter, quietly passing the time, not her day of gas, arguing their hands full days, will disappear in my distant places. REL, the people I love in this world will become someone else's bride.
妖精:重要的事情,不是悔恨过去的现在,而是想改变现在的未来。 -
---Angel:-The important thing, not regret the past now, but want to change the current future
健在最后的结婚现场对礼和多田的结婚贺词:对多田先生来说也许很抱歉,但是我也曾想过礼能放弃结婚就好了,也曾想过要把礼带走。14年里,无论是快乐的时光、煎熬的时光,还是痛苦的时光,都陪我一起度过的礼,如果能够得到幸福的话,我就真的别无他求了。有看不顺眼的事发生,马上闹别扭的礼;如果逃避打扫和工作,马上就会冲我发彪的礼;倔强、一点也不坦率的礼,最了解她的人是我。看上去很强悍,其实却很纤细的礼;把自己的事放在次要,对任何人都很关心朋友的礼;队服的洗涤水平非常超的礼;一直都陪伴在我身旁的礼......最需要她的人是我!但是最终,也只是把这些藏在了心中,在礼的面前从来没有坦白过。明明一直都在她身边,随时都能说出口的这些话,却始终没说出口。这么简单的一句话,连一次都没说过。我,喜欢礼。老实说,直到现在我还喜欢着礼。但是今天,礼就要嫁给多田先生了。虽然不甘心,但她还是会嫁。礼的存在对我而言非常重要,麻烦大家听完我这番话,确实占用了大家非常多的时间。礼,恭喜你结婚!要幸福哦!如果没能幸福的话,如果没能幸福的话,我不会原谅你的! -
---Angel:I think the adults this is the most useless, desperately want love, there do not want to pay, so it keeps well become