1. I see a bird in the tree.(我看见树上有一只鸟。)
2. Can you see the moon tonight?(你今晚能看见月亮吗?)
3. She saw him crossing the street.(她看见他过马路。)
4. We saw a movie last night.(我们昨晚看了一部电影。)
5. He saw his reflection in the mirror.(他在镜子里看见自己的倒影。)
6. I saw her crying in her room.(我看见她在房间里哭。)
7. They saw a rainbow after the rain.(雨后他们看见了一道彩虹。)
8. Did you see the news this morning?(你今天早上看新闻了吗?)
9. I can't see anything without my glasses.(没有眼镜我什么都看不见。)
10. She saw the car coming but it was too late.(她看见汽车过来了,但已经太晚了。)
1. I see the light in the distance.(我看见远处的灯光。)
see you tonight
2. Can you see the words on the blackboard?(你能看清黑板上的字吗?) 
3. Tom saw a bird flying in the sky.(汤姆看见一只鸟在天空中飞翔。)
4. We saw an exciting movie last night.(我们昨晚看了一场激动人心的电影。)
5. The boy saw his mother cooking in the kitchen.(那个男孩看见他的妈妈在厨房里做饭。)
6. Sarah saw her friend waving at her.(萨拉看见她的朋友向她招手。)
7. They saw the sun rising above the sea.(他们看见太阳从海面升起。)
8. James saw an ant crawling on the floor.(詹姆斯看见一只蚂蚁在地板上爬。)
9. I saw my teacher entering the classroom.(我看见我的老师走进教室。)
10. The girl saw a rainbow after the rain stopped.(雨停后,那个女孩看见了一道彩虹。)