学号:              姓名:
I. Choice:
1. You must remember to be careful _____ fire.
A. with              B. of              C. in                D. for
2. If not used ________, electricity can hurt us.
  A. careful          B. careless            C. carefully        D. carelessly
3. Since Tom is strong enough to move this heavy box, he ____________any help.
  A. need          B. needn’t              C. doesn’t need    D. needs
4. Simon _____ come to see us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet.
A. may            B. can              C. has to            D. must
5. There _____ something wrong with the clock. It is twenty minutes slow.
A. may be            B. must be          C. can’t be            D. mustn’t be
6. The old man was polite _____ his neighbors.
A. to            B. of                C. with              D. at
7. When we are on the bus, we _____ lean out of the window. It’s _____ the rules.
A. have to; obey  B. can; off            C. may not; for        D. mustn’t; against
8. It’s more practical to teach a man fish than _____ him fish.
A. to give            B. giving            C. to find                D. finding
9. Do you know how long he _____ the flat?
A. buy              B. had              C. has had            D. has bought
10. Could you tell me _____?
A. that it rains tomorrow                    B. what will the weather be like
C. how I can get to the nearest stop          D. how can I get to the nearest stop
11. Do you know_________?
  A. where does water come from            B. how do we make electricity
  C. why is there a grin on his face            D. who’s looking foolish now
12. Look! The car is going _____ the tunnel.
A. cross            B. across            C. through            D. thought
13. Li Ping is a friend of my _____. We often play card games together.
A. brother          B. brothers          C. brother’s          D. brothers’s
14. Tim tricked everyone here and there was a grin _____ his face.
A. with            B. in              C. on                D. to
15. _____ important electricity is in our life!
A. What a            B. How a            C. What                D. How
16. Everyone _____ go through the security check when entering the World Expo Park.
A. can                B. may              C. must              D. ought
17. — Do we have to finish our homework this afternoon?
  — Yes, you _____.
A. must            B. can              C. may              D. need
18. — Could you tell me how to get to Xuzhou Railway Station, please?
— _____.
A. No, I couldn’t.                        B. Don’t ask me
C. Thank you all the same                    D. Certainly. You can take the No. 1 bus.
19. — Can you tell me _____? She looks so pale.
  — She has a bad headache.
A. what is wrong with her                    B. what the matter is with her
C. what is matter with her                  D. how is her
20. We can change electricity into different kinds of energy including _____ energy.
A. moving          B. remove            C. removal          D. movable
21 The electric iron can produce ________energy.
  A. sound            B. heat              C. light              D. movement
22. I want to get red _____ with lucky money at the Spring Festival.
A. pockets            B. packets            C. bags              D. packet
23. _____ , I agree with him. Sometimes his ideas are right.
  A. In a way          B. In the way        C. By the way        D. On the way
24. A quarter of all the workers admitted _____ time off when they were not ill.
  A. taking            B. to take            C. take            D. took
25. You mustn’t make _____. Your grandma is sleeping.
  A. a noise            B. noise              C. voice              D. a voice
26. She doesn’t even know _____ electricity is.
A. that              B. which              C. what              D. who
27. Babies are not allowed to touch _____ kettles at home.
A. electric          B. electrical            C. electricity        D. electronic
28. An electrician came to deal with the problem because all the electricity _____.
A. went off          B. went out            C. is off            D. broke
29. I came into the office and found Lily _____ the window.
A. is cleaning        B. cleaning            C. clean              D. cleaned
see you tonight30. Sam wants to get a good _____ in order to get more money.
A. work              B. job                C. works                D. jobs
31. _____ he is still young, _____ he can speak English well.