1. Bright full moon
2. Luminous round moon
3. Shining lunar orb
4. Brilliant glowing moon
5. Radiant circular moon
6. Illuminated spherical moon
郭晓冬7. Sparkling moon in the sky
8. Gleaming orb of moonlight叹原唱黄龄
9. Resplendent moon in the darkness
10. Dazzling round moon
11. Glowing celestial sphere
12. Vivid circular moon
王中磊绯闻13. Lustrous moon in the night sky
14. Shimmering full moon
15. Scintillating lunar orb
16. Glorious round moon
阚清子新恋情疑似曝光17. Beaming moonlight
18. Eclipsing bright moon
19. Luminescent moon in the night
20. Mesmerizing round moon