Written more than two hundred years ago, these lines by Walter Scott remain one of the most well-known excerpts of Scottish poetry: Oh, what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!
We all know that honesty is an important value and that lying is wrong, but who can honestly say that they’ve never told a lie? Perhaps we comfort ourselves with the knowledge that most of the lies we tell are “white lies”: little lies that we tell to protect others from the truth.     
We’ve all surely had the experience of someone cooking a meal for us that we don’t like. The majority of us of course don’t tell the truth – we lie and say that the food is “delicious”.
  Or if a friend asks us what we think of their new haircut, we say “It’s great!”, even if wethink it’s awful. But to what extent can we justify telling white lies like these?
  One of the main reasons for telling a white lie is to try to make others feel better. 百多年前,沃尔特·斯科特的些台仍然是兰诗歌最著名的摘之一:哦,我们编织
纠结第一次练习知道诚实是一重要的价说谎错误的,但诚实,他们从来没说谎?也安慰自己,因黄埔圣华为们说的大多数谎言都是"白":我他人免受相的小小的言。      我肯定有有人经历,我不喜。我大多然不会说实话——我谎说食物是"美味"的。  或者,如果一朋友如何看待他的新型,我们会说"太棒了!但是,在何程度上,我有理由说这言?  说谎的主要原因之一是让别人感好一些。However, when we lie and say that someone’s haircut looks good, or when we say that we love a meal that we secretly hate, are we really hoping to improve the situation for someone else? Perhaps we are in fact lying to protect ourselves from the disappointment and anger of others.
  Another reason for telling a white lie is to give encouragement. Say for example that your friend asks you what you think of his singing. You of course say that it’s wonderful, despite secretly thinking that your cat can sing better. Stop for a moment and consider that perhaps your friend wants some frank comments from you so that they can improve. Or perhaps, they need to know that they should look for a different hobby.                     
Finally, we may also tell a white lie when we want to protect others from bad news. If you’ve had a bad day, do you tell your parents about it, or do you hide your tears and lie that your day was “fine”? 然而,谎说某人的型看起,或者们说暗中讨厌的一顿饭时,我们真的希望改善人的?也们实际上是在撒,保自己免受人的失望和怒。  说谎的另一原因是予鼓。例如,的朋友问你你觉得他的歌声怎么样你当是美妙的,不再犹豫国语版偷偷认为你的猫可以唱得更好。停下想,也许你的朋友想要一些坦率的评论这样才能改。或者,他需要知道,他们应该寻不同的好。                      最后,想保护别人免受坏消息,我也可以说谎。如果你过糟糕的一天,是告诉你的父母,你隐的眼言,的一天是""?If the latter, don’t you think your parents would want to listen to you and understand your feelings? Wouldn’t it be better to respect their concern for you and ask for their advice?
    Going back to Walter Scott’s lines, we may find even white lies have results we cannot know in advance. Perhaps the meal you said was “delicious” will be served every time you visit. Would your friend trust your opinion again if he found out you had lied about his
“wonderful” singing? How would you expect others to truly understand your emotions if you only shared good news instead of bad? Moreover, how would you feel if you discovered that the people closest to you had been hiding the truth from you? 如果是后者,的父母想听央吉玛 想你的365天的,了解的感受?尊重他们对你心,征求他的意道不是更好    回到沃尔特·斯科特的台,我可能会发现,即使是白的言也有我无法事先知道的李志 我爱南京果。也许你说"美味"的每次你访问时都供。如果的朋友发现你谎报了他的"美妙的"歌唱,你会再次相信的意见吗?如果吴雨霏宣布怀二胎你只分享好消息而不是坏消息,你怎么能指望正理解的情?此外,如果你发现近的人一直隐瞒相,你会有什