When Hitler decided to launch his invasion(入侵,侵略) of Russia, he thought that nothing could stand in the way(阻碍) of his armies.Conquest(征服), it seemed, was inevitable.He had surprise on his side, catching Stalin off his guard(把...从身上抓下来)by launching(发射,发动) his attack without a declaration(宣言,布告,公告,声明) of war.Hitler expected the campaign(运动,活动) to last only a few months.In the event, it was to drag on(将…拖上来,拖累) for much longer.Like Napoleon before him, he had made a fatal mistake in failing to 代悦图片reckon with(对付) the severity of the Russian weather.Many German soldiers were to die from the cold as winter set in, bringing the German advance to a halt.(使..停止,停顿)
Hello. Welcome to your new car. I am your onboard computerized(用计算机做,使计算机
化) driving system. Form the moment you start up(使..开始运转,启动) the car, I’ll be poised to(随时准备着)help you.it is my job to alert (提醒,警惕的)you to any hazards(危险) that may occur on the road. When you find the driving monotonous(单调) and want to relax, I can take control of(控制)the car and waving flag mvsteer(驾驶) it in you place. I’ll guide you form one lane (车道,小路)to another and make sure you arrive at your destination safe and sound. if a car in front of you slows down suddenly, Ill decrease (减少,减小)your speed. and I’ll calculate(计算) the data provided by the GPS system and choose the less busy routes so as to eliminate (排除)your worries of getting stuck in(陷入) a traffic jam. When you want to convert back form automatic control to manual control, that’s easy. Just press the right button mounted (安装在..)on the steering column. But do remember not to take any alcoholic drinks. If I detect (查明,发现)the presence of alcohol in the vapor(水汽) of your breath, I’ll stop the car whether you like it or not.
Unit 3
What is the best way to impress a prospective(预期的,未来的) employer when you go for a job interview? As i see it(在我看来) the best thing is to demonstrate that you have done your homework李弘基 藤井美菜 (做好你的功课)and know all about the firm beforehand(事先,预先)。You should make every endeavor(试图,尝试), for example, to show that you know something about the structure(结构) of the company, including the different lines of products it turns out and the chief business partners(伙伴) it is working with. Respond (响应,回答)in a spontaneous manner and let the interviewer know that you are not frightened by new challenges, but are willing to take a crack at (尝试)anything. Try to look at the situation from the standpoint of (从..角度)the person offering the opportunity of employment. What sort of qualities is he likely to be looking for? Enthusiasm, certainly. So don't leave your application waiting until just before the deadline. Apply early. Another thing that can make a difference (有影响)is to follow up(把…贯彻到底,对…采取进一步行动) your interview with a letter expressing your enthusiasm to join the company.
    Davos is a small Alpine city in eastern Switzerland which began making itself known in the 1990s for hosting the World Economic Forum, an annual gathering of politicians, financiers and 敷衍怎么演academics(学者). Each year, those taking part spend five days there networking(网络) and discussing a variety of (多种的,各种)issues such as the global supply of oil, world economic growth(生长)and environmental problems.
Davos Men share the belief that globalization is both welcome and unstoppable. They would like to see national boundaries vanish(消失) so as to facilitate(促进,助长) their global operations. Some people say that this international perspective is a minority elitist position not shared by the majority of people. Others, however, argue that endorsing(赞同,支持) a global outlook (前景)does not mean sweeping aside(扫除) one’s patriotic(爱国的) feelings or erasing (擦除)one’s national identity. The question, perhap is whether it is possible to strike a balance (打击,结账)between bing global and being local.
You see that young man swimming out at sea? Hes trying to swim out the beacon and back. He must be insane(疯狂的) to have committed(致力于) himself to such a thing, the current(现在的) is far too strong. I met him on the beach before he set out. I dont mind telling you that I was taken aback(大吃一惊) when he told me what he was going to do. I am a swimmer myself, but I wouldnt attempt it. And he didnt look in good condition(状态良好) at all. Far from it. He may have had a good constitution(建立,组成) once, but he had clearly let himself go all to pieces(崩溃). However, it seems like he had no choice. He told me that he had gone broke(破产), not a penny left, and that old Burton would only find him a vacancy(空缺) in his him if he did the swim. That was another surprise. Burton seems such a mild(温文尔雅,温柔) mannered man, kind to everybody. Perhaps he thought the young man would not have the courage, that he would funk (害怕,惊恐)it. Then, again, perhaps Burton knew he was sending the young man to his death, but was too cold-blood to care. It only goes to show how deceptive (欺诈的,骗人的)appearances can be.
Can you switch off from the cares of life and relax?Many people today can't. They feel instead that they are obliged to be on the go all the time.The pace of life seems to grow ever faster. As a result, feelings of stress are common as people
struggle to cope with what they see as a shortage礼仪师之奏鸣曲 of time. Such widespread
土耳其进行曲 莫扎特feelings are in part caused by the large quantity of information that comes pouring in on us. " All men," said Aristotle, " by nature desire to know'. But it is no longer possible, as it was in the past, for an individual to master the whole range of human knowledge. Instead any individual, no matter how smart he is, can only command a fraction of the total knowledge available. It may be argued that it is futile to even attempt to do so. We should learn to set more realistic goals for ourselves if we are hope to escape from the tyranny of time.