Lesson 58 What's the time?
Grammar --- 一般现在时与现在进行时:
一般现在时表示永久的情况;而现在进行时表示暂时的情况。eg. Jane works very hard most of the time.
eg. Jane is working hard today.  简今天工作很努力。
eg. His parents live in Rome.    他父母住在罗马。
eg. He is staying with some friends now。
现在进行时只用于表示正在进行的动作或偶尔发生的事件。eg. We are eating.
eg. It is raining.
有些动词(如like, want, know等),不是动作动词,因此不能用进行时态。
eg. I am knowing. (wrong)
eg. We are liking. (wrong)
eg. I know. (right)
eg. We like. (right)
一般现在时表达某个习惯动作.通常与时间频度副词连用,如usually, always, often, sometimes, never等。
现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,一般与now, at the moment, today, this afternoon, this evening, tonight
eg. We usually watch television at night. But we are listening to the stereo tonight.
我们通常晚上看电视,但是今晚我们正在听立体声节目。Exercise A:
He usually shaves at 7:O0 o'clock, but today, he is shaving at 8:00.
1.She usually drinks tea in the morning, but this morning,
梁晴晴she is drinking coffee.
2.They usually play in the garden in the afternoon, but
this afternoon, they are playing in the park.
3.He usually washes the dishes at night, but tonight he is
washing clothes.
Exercise B:
They/every day  go/to school by car
today  go/to school on foot
男人就是累歌词--- What do they usually do every day?
--- They usually go to school by car every day.
--- What are they doing today?
--- They are going to school on foot today.
1.she/morning    drink/tea
morning think/coffee
--- What does she usually do in the morning?
--- She usually drinks tea in the morning.
--- What is she doing this morning?
-- She is drinking coffee.
2. they/afternoon  play in the garden
afternoon swim/in the river
--- What do they usually do in the afternoon?
--- They usually play in the garden in the afternoon. --- What are they doing this afternoon?ikon金韩彬曝
--- They are swiming in the river.
3.  I/evening cook/a meal
evening  read/a book
--- What do you usually do in the evening?
--- I usually cook a meal in the evening.
--- What are you doing this evening?
-- I am reading a book this evening.
4. we/night watch/television
tonight  listen to/the stereo
--- What do you usually do at night?
--- We usually watch television at night.
--- What are you doing tonight?
--- We are listening to the stereo tonight.
Exercise C--- Translation:
1.你通常几点起床? 我通常早晨七点起床。
When do you usually get up?
I usually get up at seven 0'clock.
2.  我的妈妈通常下午五点做饭.但今天她正在商店买东西。
My mother usually cooks a meal at five o'clock in the afternoon, but she is going to the shops today.
3.  我的弟弟通常在下午四点钟做作业,但他现在正在花园里玩。
My brother usually does his homework at four o'clock in the afternoon, but he is playing in the garden now. 4.她的妈妈上午十点钟通常做什么?她通常打扫房间。
What does her mother usually do at ten o'clock in the morning?
She usually cleans the room.
It's twelve o'clock now.
My boss is eating his lunch.