" World Book Day" stands for " World Book and Copyright Day " , also translated " World Book Day" , the original idea came from the International Publishers Association . 1995 formally established on April 23 each year as "World Book and Copyright Day," was established to encourage more people to read and write.
I hope people scattered around the world , whether you are old or young , whether you are rich or poor , whether you're sick or healthy , can enjoy reading , can respect and gratitude for the human civilization made ​​great contribution to the literary , cultural, scientific , ideological gurus , can protect intellectual property. Every year on this day, the world more than 100 countries will host a variety of celebrations and book promotional activities.
Establish backgroundbestfriend
In 1972, UNESCO sent to the world "to the reading community ," the call , required reading for all members of society , so that reading become an indispensable part of daily life .
In 1995, the International Publishers Association , at its twenty -fifth World Congress that "
World Book Day " scenario , the proposal submitted by the Government of Spain UNESCO . Later , Russia believes that " World Book Day" should also be increased copyright concept.
World Book Day set up the proposal put forward by Spain , its inspiration from the Spanish region of Catalonia , " St. George's Day ." According to the Library Journal , World Book Day comes from the Spanish region of Catalonia a legend: beautiful princess trapped in the mountains by the dragon , the dragon warrior defeat George alone to rescue the princess ; princess back to donate the gift of George a book. From the book became a symbol of courage and strength . April 23 as " St. George's Day ." During the holiday season , the Catalan area residents have presented roses and books to family and friends customs.
In 1995, UNESCO declared April 23 as "World Book Day ." April 23 is the famous Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes and Shakespeare's famous British writer died anniversary.
Origin festival
UNESCO selected April 23 as World Book Day was inspired by a beautiful legend. April 23 is the anniversary of the Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes , but also in Catalonia festival " St. George's Day ." The legendary Dragon Warrior George rescue the princess , the princess and get a gift in - a book , a symbol of knowledge and power. Every day , Catalonian women will give a book to a husband or boyfriend , men will give a rose . In fact, the same day is also Shakespeare 's birth and death anniversaries, another American writer Vladimir Nabokov , French writer Maurice • De Luang , Iceland Laxnes Nobel laureate 's birthday , and many other writers , so this day seems to become a global Book Day "perfectly justifiable ."
UNESCO sent to the world in 1972 "to read society" call, required reading for all members of society , the book became a necessity of life , reading became everyone an integral part of everyday life . In 1995, UNESCO declared April 23 as "World Book Day ", dedicated to the world to promote reading , publishing and the protection of intellectual property .
"We must be able to make every place that everyone get books ." This is a UNESCO creativity, cultural industries and copyright department director and UNESCO Publishing House Milagros Del • • Ms. Zeng Koror repeatedly stressed the word. Since the " World Book Day" was proclaimed , has been eager to respond to the global community , and particular attention to the development of activities for young people , aims to develop children's reading habits , humanities , and guide them to respect knowledge . Therefore, the annual April 23 , writer , publisher , teacher, librarian , private or public school educators , students, humanitarians , the mass media , as well as countries around the world who love books have put Book Day campaigns evolved into a lively fun holiday.
However, in China , the world 's Book Day has not been known to the public , let alone the festival . According to Sohu reading website 2004 survey: that the "World Book Day " who accounted for only 6% and 27 % of people have heard of but not know the details , though , 67% of people have never heard of this day .
the beach boys
基督教迦南诗歌Read on human growth impact is enormous , a good book often change one's life. The sp
irit of a nation state, depends largely on the nation's reading level. To build a harmonious society , and further stimulate the enthusiasm of a comprehensive study , let us carefully read a good book now !
Established to八卦爆料
I hope people scattered around the world , whether you are old or young , whether you are rich or poor , whether you're sick or healthy , can enjoy reading , can respect and gratitude for the human civilization made ​​great contribution to the literary , cultural, scientific , ideological gurus , can protect intellectual property.