Chris and Nicole Davidson are a couple that live in New Tazewell, Tennessee with their 2-year-old son Elijah, 22-month-old daughter Erin, and a 7-year-old adopted son Eli, who’s been with the family for nearly a year. On December 8, around 8:, the parents told stories to their  1  and asked them to go to bed. Then they went to  2  . However, a few hours later, Nicole woke up to the smell of smoke and   3  that their house was on fire.
it will rain
Nicole and Chris were able to   4  the boys Elijah and Eli, though when it was time to  5  the 22-month-old baby Erin, the couple was faced with a   6  reality —the flames had already   7  the room entrance. “The smoke and fire was so   8  that there was no way I could get to her,” Chris said.
“We went outside to get to her from the  9  , but there was nothing for me to 落花简谱  10  on to reac
h up there,” the father told CNN.  11  , the 7-year-old Eli was eager to help. “I picked up Eli, who went through the window and was able to catch her from her bed,” Chris Davidson said.
“We couldn’t be more   12  of Eli,” Chris Davidson told CNN. “He did something a   13  man wouldn’t do.” By the time the fire-fighters arrived on the scene, the family’s house was already almost burn to the ground.
“I thought I couldn’t do it, but then I said, ‘I got her, Dad,’” the 7-year-old Eli told CNN. “I was 侯耀华三胞胎外甥女  14  , but I didn’t want my sister to  15  .
1.A.children    B.pets    C.boys    D.parents
2.A.work    B.travel    C.sleep    D.cook
3.A.neglected    B.realized    C.imagined    D.forgot
4.A.waken    B.teach    C.seek    D.carry
5.A.feed    B.feel    C.influence    D.rescue
6.A.terrifying    B.embarrassing    C.pleasing    D.interesting
7.A.formed    B.decorated    C.blocked    D.decreased
8.A.hot    B.thick    C.bright    D.poisonous
9.A.bed    B.window    C.entrance    D.roof
10.A.rest    B.jump    C.hold    D.stand
11.A.usually    B.unwillingly    C.fortunately    D.gradually
12.A.proud    B.tired    C.committed    D.exposed
13.A.professional    B.big    C.heavy    D.grown
14.A.glad    B.scared    C.calm    D.excited
15.A.cry    B.dream    C.die    D.ache
  As human beings, we are alike in many ways. Yet  1   our similarities, no two people are exactly the same. Even identical twins  2   different life experiences. Just because of these  3   , the "one size fits all" solution will not be the most  4   answer to our problems.
One of my life  5   is to find what works for me best, and forget the rest. Just that something works well for someone else, doesn't  6   mean that it will work well for me too. I have found that I am successful when I  7   any new method or strategy I learned to deal
with my  8  situation.
A perfect example of why it's best to find what works for you is when it  9   to trying to pick a diet  and an exercise plan. There are  10   diet plans and exercise programs out there to  11   from, and it can be quite overwhelming(令人不知所措的). When choosing a  12   plan you have to consider food allergies, how portable the food is if you are away from home most of the time, and many other  13  . When choosing an exercise program you have to consider your starting level of fitness, and health issues that might adapt your ability to do the program, and   14    you actually enjoy the exercise enough to  15   with it. Many people like jogging, but it is probably my least  16   form of exercise. By finding more suitable and enjoyable alternatives(供替代的选择)that give me the same  17   or better, it is easier to stick with my exercise program.
You  18   yourself better than anyone, so don't be   19   to experiment with different solutions to whatever you are trying to achieve. Don't  20   use something because it is "the best", or because it works well for someone else. Find what works best for you, and forget the rest.
1.A.beyond    B.above    C.despite    D.through
2.A.come up with    B.put up with    C.go on with    D.end up with
3.A.differences    B.similarities    C.experiences    D.characters
4.A.technical    B.practical    C.physical    D.medical
5.A.solutions    B.experiences    C.emotions    D.principles修杰楷 康熙来了
6.A.unfortunately    B.eventually    C.necessarily    D.immediately
7.A.refuse    B.use    C.examine    D.discover
8.A.personal    B.natural    C.musical    D.political
9.A.adds    B.comes    C.leads    D.contributes
10.A.various    B.unique    C.boring    D.colorful
11.A.take    B.obtain    C.choose    D.learn
12.A.study    B.diet    C.exercise    D.travel
13.A.factors    B.journals    C.branches    D.programs
14.A.what    B.which    C.whether    D.that
15.A.chat    B.communicate    C.agree    D.stick
16.A.difficult    B.harmful    C.favorite    D.expensive
17.A.grades    B.results    C.marks    D.signs
18.A.observe    B.express    C.teach    D.know
19.A.grateful    B.pleased    C.energetic    D.afraid
20.A.just    B.still    C.yet    D.already
The pea incident happened when I was eight. My grandmother, my mother and I were having lunch at a restaurant. I   1  a Salisbury steak. But when served, it was   2  accomp
anied by a plate of peas.
I have always hated peas. It is a complete   3  to me why anyone would voluntarily eat peas.
“Eat your peas,” my grandmother said.
“Mother,” said my mother in her   4  voice. “He doesn’t like peas. Leave him alone.”
dj火My grandmother looked at me and said the words that changed my life: “I’ll pay you five dollars   5  you eat those peas”. Five dollars! And only one plate of peas stood between   6  and the possession of that unimaginable amount of money. I began to   7  the awful things down my throat and finally swallowed the   8  one of them. My grandmother handed me the   9  . “I can do what I want, Ellen, and you can’t stop me,” she   10  to my mother. My mother glared at her and also glared at me   11  .