2.1 复习笔记
Ⅰ. The Thirteen English-American Colonies and the War of Independence
1. The Founding of the colonies
2. The Early Immigrants
3. Relation between England and Colonies
4. The Boston Tea Party
5. The First Continental Congress
6. The Second Continental Congress
7. Military Struggle and Final Victory
Ⅱ. Appearance of the American Constitution and Territorial Expansion
1. America Following Independence
2. The Constitutional Convention
3. The American Constitution
4. The Second War with England (1812)
5. The Monroe Doctrine (1823)
6. The Mexican War and Its Results (1846-1848)
Ⅲ. The Civil War
1. The Beginning of Slavery in America
2. Conflicts Arising from Slavery
3. Lincoln’s Death and American Concept of a Hero
4. Effect of the Civil War
5. Economic Development
6. Progressivism
7. The Federal Reserve Bank
8. Imperialist Foreign Policy and War with Spain
Ⅳ. America During and After World WarⅠ
1. America Entering the War (1917)
2. America after World WarⅠ
3. The Great Depression
Ⅴ. America During and After World War Ⅱ
1. Background and Outbreak of General War
2. Changes of the U.S. Policy
3. The Lend-Lease Bill
4. America’s Entry into the War
5. America after the War
6. Cold War and America’s Containment
7. Red Scare and the McCarthy Era
longlongago8. Demand for Reform
9. The Watergate Affair
10. Reagan Revolution and Clinton
Ⅰ. The Thirteen English-American Colonies and the War of Independence (十三块英属北美殖民地和独立战争)
1. The Founding of the colonies (殖民地的建立)
(1)The first successful English colony in North America was planted in Virginia in 1607. The
colonists named their new settlement Jamestown, in honor of the king.
英国在北美的第一块殖民地位于弗吉尼亚州。殖民者称他们的新定居点为詹姆斯敦。(2)Thirteen years after the founding of the settlement at Jamestown, the second English colony
was established in New England.
(3)The Pilgrim Fathers founded their first settlement which was named Plymouth.
2. The Early Immigrants (早期的移民)
The early settlers in all these 13 colonies were frown different European countries. But most of them came from England and they were generally known as the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
3. Relation between England and Colonies (英国和殖民地之间的关系)
(1)England demanded the colonies to supply the mother country with raw materials while
importing goods manufactured in England.
(2)The colonies had to depend on England for security.
4. The Boston Tea Party (波士顿倾茶事件)
(1)Reason (原因)
The British government allowed the company to sell tea at a lower price in the colonies through its own people, which took away the tea business from American tea merchants.
(2)Process (过程)
Some Boston residents dressed as Indians boarded the ships at night and threw much tea into the harbor.
5. The First Continental Congress (第一届大陆会议)
Colonial delegates from 12 colonies (Georgia did not send its delegates) met in Philadelphia on September 5, 1774 to con-suit upon the present unhappy state of the colonies. This meeting has been known as the First Continental Congress. The Continental Congress drew up a formal document known as Declaration of Rights and Grievances.
6. The Second Continental Congress (第二次大陆会议)
(1)Found Continental Army and Navy建立了大陆陆军和海军
(2)Declaration of Independence was publicized on 1776.7.4—a clear explanation of the political
theory behind the revolution.
7. Military Struggle and Final Victory (军事斗争和最后的胜利)
(1)Process (过程)我终于可以不再爱你了什么歌
①Saratoga—turning point—French help.
②1781, Yorktown, Cornwallis, surrendered.
③1783, Treaty of Paris, recognized the independence.
(2)Significance (意义)
①just war正义战争
②good for capitalism development有利于资本主义的发展
③international influence具有国际影响
Ⅱ. Appearance of the American Constitution and Territorial Expansion (美国宪法的出现和领土扩张)
1. America Following Independence (独立后的美国)
Immediately after independence, the 13 states were not very closely united. The need of a new form of government was felt by an increasing number of Americans.
2. The Constitutional Convention (制宪会议)
The work of the Convention was to draw up a Constitution so as to institute a new government. After many heated debates and repeated compromise, the work of drafting the Constitution was completed on September 17, 1787, which has since been celebrated as Constitution Day of the United States.
3. The American Constitution (美国宪法)
The American Constitution founded federalism and introduced checks and balances into government for the first time in history.
(1)Washington as the First President
(2)Jefferson and the Purchase of Louisiana
①Jefferson became the third US President in 1801.
②Jefferson took advantage of Napoleon’s lack money and purchased New Orleans and the
whole of Louisiana from France.
4. The Second War with England (1812)(与英格兰的第二次战争)
(1)Beginning and Cause (开始及原因)
The Second War between America and England broke out in 1812. It was caused by disputes over territory and foreign trade.
美国和英国之间的第二次战争于1812年爆发。它是由领土争端和对外贸易引起的。(2)Influence (影响)
The Second War with England has been known as the Second War of Independence of America or the Second Revolutionary War, for it had a great influence on American history.
The fact that the United States had for the second time withstood the attack of England, the strongest power then, greatly enhanced its position as an independent country.
5. The Monroe Doctrine (1823)(门罗主义)
In 1823, Monroe, the fifth President of the United States, proclaimed his foreign policy which later became known as the Monroe Doctrine. The Doctrine covered four major points:
(1)Any foreign interference with the Latin American nations which had achieved independence
would be considered an unfriendly act by the United States;
(2)All still existing colonies in the Western Hemisphere would not be interfered with by the U.S.;
(3)The New World was closed to further colonization by any foreign powers;
(4)The United States should not take part in any European wars over issues exclusively European.
6. The Mexican War and Its Results (1846-1848)(墨西哥战争及其结果)
(1)The outbreak of war (战争的爆发)
The U.S. Congress finally passed the law in 1845 to admit Texas as one of the United States.
The Mexican government opposed the decision of the U.S. Congress and severed its diplomatic relation with the United States. When America sent its troops to occupy the disputed border territory between Texas and Mexico, war broke out between the two neighbors.
(2)Results (结果)
The Mexican War, one of the aggressive wars started by the American government, finally expanded the territory of the United States to the Pacific Coast.
苏醒被封杀Ⅲ. The Civil War (内战)
1. The Beginning of Slavery in America (美国奴隶制的开始)
Before the Civil War, more than 98% of the American Negroes were in the South. An average Southern plantation was about 1,000 acres with 100 slaves. They fed on horrible food which was made in the central kitchen or in the black slaves’ cabins. They had to toil all day long in the cotton fields, eating their noon-day meals in the fields.
2. Conflicts Arising from Slavery (奴隶制引起的冲突)
(1)Reasons (原因)
Slavery (奴隶制)
a. north-disappear北方奴隶制消失了
b. south-suited南方需要奴隶
(2)Processes (过程)
①at the beginning of the war→ set back战争开始→北方败退;
②Emancipation Proclamation→ support the Union解放宣言→支持联盟;
③Gettysburg victory→ turning point葛底斯堡战役的胜利→转折点;
④Gettysburg Address葛底斯堡演说;
⑤South surrender, 1865. 1865年南方投降。
3. Lincoln’s Death and American Concept of a Hero (林肯的死亡和美国英雄的概念)
To most Americans, including people in the South, Lincoln was a great national hero. Few Americans would talk of his faults. They cherish his contribution to America.
4. Effect of the Civil War (南北战争的影响)
The American Civil War was a great revolutionary war. It finally put an end to the slave system in America, a system which could not be reconciled with the development of capitalist
5. Economic Development (经济发展)
Features (特点)
①Emerged a growth of industrial and financial mergers; appeared a professional managerial
③New technology新技术
6. Progressivism (进步主义)
(1)Muckrakers refer to those journalists who expose dark side.
(2)Progressive Movement asked for government’s regulation in social, political, and economic.
(3)Roosevelt’s contribution罗斯福的贡献
①forest reserve, irrigation project (Roosevelt Dam in Arizona).
②stop mergers (Sherman Antitrust Act).
③regulate railroad prices, do away with rebates. (Hepburn Act)
7. The Federal Reserve Bank (联邦储备银行)
To provide a national banking system that would help overcome the financial chaos, the U.S. Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in1913 whereby the Federal Reserve System was established.
8. Imperialist Foreign Policy and War with Spain (帝国主义外交政策和与西班牙的战争) America declared war on Spain in 1898.美国于1898年对西班牙宣战。
Ⅳ. America During and After World War Ⅰ (第一次世界大战期间和之后的美国)
1. America Entering the War (1917)(美国进入战争)
(1)Reason for America to join the war (美国加入战争的原因)
①Germany refused to give up its submarine warfare;
②Britain and France exhausted by the war, and might lose the war and bring great harm to
American business interest;
③Germany was trying to get Mexico into the war against the United States.