1.Hello. How Are You?    Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you? Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! How do you do? I am fine. I am fine. Thank you. Thank you. Very much! I am fine. I am fine. And I hope that you are too!
2.Good Morning        Good morning. Good morning. Nice to see your smiling face. Good morning. Good morning. To you! And to you! Hello Steven! Hello John! Hello Mary! Hello Tom! Good Morning, Good morning. To you! And to you!
3.Sunny Day        Sunny day! Oh! Sunny day! How I long for a sunny day. I want to dance. I want to sing. Hey hey hey hey oh sunny day! Sunny day! Oh sunny day! Please don't let us wait for you. Let your sun beams shine on us. Come out dear and shine for all.
flying steps4.Rain Rain Go Away      Rain, Rain. Go away. Come again another day. Rain Rain. Go away. Little Maggie wants to play. Rain rain on the green grass. Oh! Rain rain on the trees. Rain rain on the moutains. Oh! rain rain not on me! Rain Rain Go away. Come again another day. Rain rain. Go away. Little maggie wants to play. You can come on Monday. Or any day you want to come. You can fall on rooftops. But please don't fall on me.
5. Sing A Song  Sing. Sing. Sing a song. Come and sing along. Jolly. Jolly. Jolly . Jolly. Life is like a song.
6.C For Country. P For Park  C-O-U-N-T-R-Y. C-O-U-N-T-R-Y. C-O-U-N-T-R-Y. Yeah yeah yeah yeah C for country yeah yeah. P-A-R-K Park Park Park, P-A-R-K Park Park Park. Yeah yeah yeah yeah P for park yeah yeah yeah. C for country P for park, C for country P for park. C for county P for park. Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!
7.Green Green Merryland  Ba......... Skip skip skip. Ba....... skip skip skip on the green green merryland. dance dance dance.dance dance dance on the green green merryland. kick the ball. kick the ball on the green green merryland.  chase around. chase around on the green green merryland.
林心如整容前后8.My Father And My Mother      My father is a doctor. My father is a doctor. He loves me so. My father is a doctor. My father is a doctor. I love him too! My mother is a theacher, my mother is a teacher. She loves me so! my mother is a teacher. My mother is a teacher. I love her too. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. They love me so! my father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. I love them too!
9.Oh Bee!      Oh Bee! Oh Bee! You're happy as can be. You dance among the flowers. Oh bee bee bee bee! Oh me! Oh me! I want to be a bee. I want to taste the honey. Oh me me me me me!
10.My Puppy    Oh hey! Have you ever seen my baby dog? It barks. It jumps. And it runs. Oh hey! I really love my baby dog. My puppu is a little baby dog. my puppy. My puppy. My baby dog. My puppy is a little baby dog.
11.The Ocean Song              Far out in the Ocean. We can see ships sa
il a cross the sea. The breakers wash gently towards the beach. Dancing splashing in the air. The sun shines bright. The sea sparkles. It's such a pretty sight. High up in the sky. The birds do fly. Fly swiftly to and fro.
12.We Are The Happiest People    We are so happy. Very very happy. We are so young and so sweet. We are so happy. Very very happy. Just like the flowers that bloom. we are so kind and so gentle. We are so fiendly and true. We are so happy. Very very happy. Just like the flowers thant bloom.
1.Out School    Our school will shine today. Our school will shine. Our school will shine today. All down the line. Our school will shine today. Our school will shine. When the sun goes down. When the moon goes up. Our school will shine.
2.Our School Bus      Every day our school bus takes us to school. But today it shall take us to the country park. Rolling rocking rolling it's our magic bus. Rolling down the road bound for the country park. Left! Right! Up and down the hill. Faster! Please run faster dear. Laughing singing all the way. We're all happy as can be. Happy as can be. Every day out school-bus takes us to school. But today it shall take us to the country park. All the little boys all the little girls. Laugh and sing along with the magic bus. Left! Right! Up and down the hill. Faster! Please run faster dear. Laughing singing all the way. We're all happy as can be. Happy as can be.
3.Can You Tell Me What This is?    Can you tell me what this is? Can you tell me what this is? It's a pen. It's a pen. It's a pen. Yes, it's a pen. Can you tell me what this is? Can you tell me what this is? It's a ball. It's a ball. It's ball. Yes, it's a ball. Can you tell me what this is? Can you tell me what this is? It's a clock. It's a clock. It's a clock. Yes, it's a clock.
4.The Happy Alpeabet Song    A B C D E (A B C D E). F G H I J (F G H I J).
K L M N O P Q (K L M N O P Q). R S T U V (R S T U V). W X Y Z (W X Y Z). Sing this happy alphabet song. We all love to sing this song. We are glad to sing along. Sing this happy song. Sing and swing along. Sing this happy alphabet song. We all love to sing this song. We are glad to sing along. Sing this happy song. Sing and swing along. Sing this happy alphabet song. Sing this happy alphabet song.
5.The Book    B(B). B-O(B-O). B-O-O(B-O-O). B-O-O-K(B-O-O-K). B-O-O-K BOOK(B-O-O-K BOOK). I like to read I like to read. Story books.
6.An Apple  An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. A-P-P-L-E. Apple.
7.My Pencil  My pencil is yellow in colour. My pencil is tiny and long. My pencil has a purple rubber. And it's always by my side. I like it. I like it. I use it to write and to draw. I like. I like it. I use it to write and to draw.
8.Table And Chair    I have a table in my little bedroom. My little table has a little chair. I like to write on my little table. I like to sit on my little chair.
9. In The Playground    In the playground. In the playground. Where we play "hide-and-seek". There's a little merry-go-round. In the playground where we meet. La......la......la......
10.The tuck Shop    In the tuck shop. In the tuck shop. She wants to buy some food to eat. She likes buscuits. She likes lollies. She likes candies, potato chips.
11.Fairyland    Dancing clouds in the blue sky. Smiling flowers in the meadow. I dream of the magic-land. Gentle breezes blow. See the faries swinging. It's oh so colourful. Willows by the riverside. So sweet. So sweet.
战曲12.Mr.Time      Oh! It's time to go homeward bound. None of us wants to say good-bye. We still like to play "hind-and-seek". Mr.Time please stay a little while. Oh! It's time to go homeward bound. None of us wants to say good-bye. We still love to dance, twist and shout. Mr.Time please stay a little while. Oh! It's time to go homeward bound. None of us wants to say good-bye. We still like to have B-B-Q. Mr.Time please stay a little while. Oh! It's time to go homeward bound. None of us wants to say good-bye. We still want to sing sha-la-la. Mr.Time please stay a little while.