六年级英语阅读理解专项练习( 10篇含答案解析)
Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived in the 18th century. Sandwich was rich, and he liked to play cards. He often played for 24 hours, and didn't even stop to have meals. He asked his servants (侍从) to bring him some meat and bread.  He put the meat between two pieces of bread and held the food in his left hand while he played cards with his right hand. People like Sandwich's idea, and from then on they ate bread and meat as Sandwich of the man Sandwich, we have the word "Sandwich" today.
1爆炸音效The food "sandwich" came from the name of an Englishman.
2Sandwich had a little money, so he played cards for money.
3where is sheSandwich liked playing cards very much.
4Sandwich often played cards without any rest.
5三国演义主题曲.Sandwich's servant made the food "sandwich" for him.
6People didn't think Sandwich's idea was good.
1.根据Sandwich was an Englishman.可知,三明治来自一个英国人的名字,故此处与原文一致,故为T
2.根据Sandwich was rich, and he liked to play cards可知,三明治很有钱,喜欢打牌,故此处与原文不符,故为F
3.根据Sandwich was rich, and he liked to play cards可知,三明治非常喜欢打牌,故此处与原文一致,故为T
4.根据He often played for 24 hours, and didn't even stop to have meals.可知,三明治经常打牌,不休息,故此处与原文一致,故为T
5.根据He asked his servants (侍从) to bring him some meat and bread.可知,三明治让他的侍从给他带来肉和面包,而不是三明治,故此处与原文不符,故为F
6.根据People like Sandwich's idea, and from then on they ate bread and meat as Sandwich of the man Sandwich,可知,人们喜欢三明治这个主意,故此处与原文不符,故为F
认真阅读题干,根据题干要求,在文中寻题干所在的语句或段落,进行概括归纳,分析理解,推理总结,判断出正确与错误。例如小题3,根据Sandwich was rich, and he liked to play cards可知,三明治非常喜欢打牌,故此处与原文一致,故为T
2Dear Tom,
孤独的牧羊人I am in China now. Everything goes well with me. I hope you and Peter are very well, too.
It is Christmas Day today. I think you must get many presents.
Things in Beijing are different. I'm very happy to see the white Christmas. There is snow everywhere, and the snow is very thick on the ground. I like to go out to play with the snow with my friends.
Now it must be very hot in Australia. Do you often go swimming? I cannot swim here, but I'm learning to ski(滑雪). It's really interesting.
Please write to me soon.
1The letter is to                 .
A.Daniel    B.Tom    C.Peter    D.Tom's brother
2Why does Daniel call it white Christmas?
A.Because the house is full of snow.    B.Because they paint the house white.
C.Because there is snow everywhere.    D.Because they buy a white Christmas tree.
3What does the underlined word "thick" mean in Chinese?
A.薄的    B.厚的    C.冷的    D.瘦的
4What's the weather like in Australia now?
A.Cold.    B.Cool.    C.Warm.    D.Hot.
5Daniel is learning to                 .
A.ski    B.play basketball    C.swim    D.play football
1.细节理解题。根据Dear Tom可知这封信是给汤姆的;故选B
2.细节理解题。根据I'm very happy to see the white Christmas. There is snow everywhere,可知是因为到处都是雪;故选C
3.词义猜测题。根据I like to go out to play with the snow with my friends可猜测是厚厚的雪;故选B
4.细节理解题。根据Now it must be very hot in Australia.马凡舒服装掉落图可知澳大利亚是热的;故选D
5.细节理解题。根据but I'm learning to ski(滑雪).可知想学滑雪;故选A
3    Seven students live together in a large, bright room. The school wants students to learn to live together and think for others. Four counselors take care of them during the daytime. At least one counselor is on duty at all times.
During the night, one counselor is on duty. In the morning, he or she helps the children get ready for school, have breakfast and go to their classroom.
Young people learn to live together in the group. They learn about others, and they learn about themselves by watching others.
1There are                 students in each room.
A.5    B.7    C.11
2Some students live together                 .
A.just for fun    B.to study well    C.to learn to live together
3The word “counselor” here means                 .
无路用的人A.住校生    B.辅导老师    C.寝室长
4Which of the following is NOT true?
A.A school dormitory(宿舍) is a place where some students live together
B.There are four counselors in the school
C.Four counselors must check the rooms during the night
5The best title for the passage could be                 .
A.The School Dormitory    B.The Counselors    C.Students and Counselors
1.细节理解题。根据Seven students live together in a large, bright room“七个学生住在大的明亮的房间里可知,每个房间有7个人,故选B