原来的我 辛晓琪
1. Thank you (very much). / Thanks a lot. / Many thanks.
2. Thanks for your help. / Thank you for the lovely gift / for your invitation.
沈阳的雪3. It’s very kind / nice of you.
朱一龙否认恋情4. I can never thank you enough. / I really don’t know ho w I can thank you enough.
5. Thank you all the same.(用于当别人因某种原因没能帮你时。)
1. Not at all.
2. That’s all right. / That’s OK.
3. You’re welcome.
4. Don’t mention it.
5. It’s my pleasure.
6. I’m very glad you enjoyed it.
在答复别人的道谢时,不可受汉语习惯的影响回答出诸如This is what I should do或It’s my duty等答语,因为这给人“不是出于自愿,而是为完成任务不得已而为之”的感觉。
1. Excuse me.(常用来事前道歉。如:向别人打听情况或打断别人的讲话等。)
2. Sorry. / I’m sorry. / Sorry to call you so late. / Sorry to have kept you waiting. / I’m sorry for losing your book. / I can’t tell you how sorry I am.
3. It was my fault. / My mistake. It won’t happen again.
4. Will you forgive me? / Please forgive me.
5. Pardon me for sneezing.
6. I apologize. / Please accept my apologies for what I said just now.
7. I must have caused you a lot of trouble.
8. I didn’t mean to step on your foot.
9. I beg your pardon.
1. That’s OK. / That’s all right.
2. It doesn’t matter.
3. It’s nothing.
4. Forget it.
5. You’re forgiven.
6. Never mind.
7. Don’t worry about it.
8. No problem. We all make mistakes.
It doesn’t matter或Never mind虽在汉语中翻译成“没关系”,但属于道歉应答语,不属于道谢应答语。