1.A clock gains ( 快  )five seconds every hour, Twenty-four hours later, it is 5:58. If we want to adjust (调整) it, the correct time is ________  A. 5:54  B. 5:35  C. 4:50    D. 5:56  (D)
2.Three years ago, Helen was 156 cm, and Nancy was 4 cm shorter than her. Now Helen is 3 cm taller than three years ago, but Nancy is 2 cm taller than her. Nancy is ______cm tall now. She is ___ cm taller than three years ago.  A.159;3    B.161;9    C.158;6        (B)
3. Aunt Mary has a box of cakes at the parety. She’ll give the cakes to some children. If each child gets one, she’ll have one left. If each child gets two, she’ll need three more. How many children are there at the party and how many cakes does Aunt Mary have?    (four children and five cakes )
4. There are five bottles—a red bottle, a white bottle, a blue bottle, a brown bottle, and a green bottle. The red bottle is bigger than the white bottle; the blue bottle is bigger than th
月亮啊月亮e brown bottle, but smaller than the green one. The brown bottle is bigger than the white bottle; the green bottle is smaller than the red bottle. Please write the colours of the five bottles from the bigest to the smallest.  A__red  B_green_  C _blue_  D brown  E_white_
5.Mrs black has three sons. They are Mike, Tom and David. Mike is 10 kilos heavier than Tom. David is 5 kilos lighter than Tom. Tom is 4 centimetres shorter than Mike, David is 3 centimetres taller than Mike. Now Mike is 45 kilos and 155 centimetres.
A. Tom is ___35__kg and __151_cm.  B. David is __30___kg and _158__cm.
6.Lucy, Sail and Betty had a running race. Sail was three seconds faster than Betty. Lucy was five seconds faster than Sail. Lucy ran two hundred metres in thirty-two seconds. How much time did Sail and Betty spend?
A. Sail spent  _37 seconds.    B. Betty spent _伟大的渺小林俊杰40声音素材免费下载_ seconds.
7.Tom has a brother. His brother is five years older than him. Tom was seven years old five years ago. How old will Tom and his brother be twenty years late ?
A. Tom will be _32_ years old .  B. His brother will be __37_years old.
8. A snail falls into a deep well (井). It wants to climb out. It climbs up the well two metres every day, but slides back one metres. If ( 如果 ) the well is four metres, how long does it take the snail to get out?  __three days __
9. 请你仔细读一读给你的三个单词,根据联想写出第四个单词.
A . Olympic, 29th, China      Beijing                  B. animal, honest, friend  张庭女儿dog
C. Champion( 冠军  ), 110m, runner  Liuxiang          D. popular (受欢迎 ), NBA, China  Yaoming
10. Who can jump higher than a house?  Any people and any animals, because the house can’t jump.
11. A heavy stone tiger is in front of Jim. Its head is on his left side. Jim hopes its head is on the right side. But he can’t move the tiger. What can he do?  He can go to the other side of the stone tiger.
12. Two people are walking in the park. The shorter is the daughter of the taller. However the taller is not the mother of the shorter. Who are they?  They are a father and a daughter
13. I run in a strainght line 6 kilometres northwards and then 6 kilometres eastwards. I then walk 3 kilometres northwards and then 6 kilometres west-wards. How far am I now from my starting point? (出发点)  9km.
14. When can you run as fast as a horse?  When I am riding on a horseback.
15. One groups of number stands for one colour. One number stands for one letter. Can you crack the code ( 破译密码 )  and write out the colour?
A.1 2 3 3 4 5 yellow    B 6 7 2 2 8 green    C 7 2 10 red  D.11 7 4 5 8 brown  E .4 7 9 8 6 2 orange
16. 读下面的儿歌,在每个空格中填写一个合适的英语单词,使儿歌读来押韵流畅.
A. A little girl is near my window. And she looks nice in __yellow__
  I go up to her and say _Hello__. “Little girl, little girl, where do you go?”
  “Sorry, sorry, I don’t know__”
B. “Where is my pear?” “Oh, oh, it in on the __chair_.”
  “Where, where is the _pear_?””I can’t see __there_.”
17. Two little brothers live near each other. One lives on one side. The other lives on the other side. They hear what you say. But they don’t see each other. What are they?___凤凰传奇的全部歌曲ears___
18.Why is a ship like the letter T? Because it’s ___B__
A. in the dictionary    B. in the middle of the water  C. under the ground  D in the evening
19. Two teachers teach at the same school. One is the mother of the other’s son. What relation( 亲友关系 ) are they to each other?      A   
A. Husband and wife ( 丈夫和妻子    )    B.Mother and grandfather. 
C. Father and mother            D.father and grandmother
20.Who isn’t your sister and isn’t your brother, but is still a child of your mother and your father?  yourself
A. your baby    B. your daughter    C. your twin sister    D. yourself