

2024-09-26 12 0

(2020年7月整理)Jony J—不用去猜 (Live)—歌词

不用去猜 (Live)2019-01-26作词 : Jony J编曲:卡斯不潮不用花钱林俊杰混音:时俊峰秀导:陈倩灯不会在任何时候为我开是好是坏该不该还没来的不想猜有谁能真的看得清楚要怎么组未来的拼图不会为了限量款排队我都是天亮了才睡时间比LV还贵人生总苦短又怎么能白费没兴趣在乎我在别人眼中的定位普通或另类讨厌或敬佩不需要多余的应对只想跟懂我的说一声幸会因为别的都不屑快乐是自己的没人可以借忘记了恨...

2024-09-26 11 0


关于高中青春的作文集锦七篇 高中青春的作文 篇1  冬来咋去春将近,未退寒潮袭锦衣。怀那未尽的激情,再过未尾的花样年华。  如诗如画的青春,是我们奋力拼搏之时。也是我们共创辉煌时刻,不要时间等我,要我等时间才是明智之人,青春如梦,美好而短暂,看着形形的花季男女,除了幸运还有感叹,感叹那快过去的青春还有枯燥的生活,如果能多创造点辉煌那在花甲时还能回味无穷,可惜,可惜,又有几人...

2024-09-25 6 0


        好想化做一只蝴蝶 乘著微风振翅高飞  ゴキゲンな蝶になって きらめく风に乗って  go ki gen na cyou ni natte,ki ra me ku ka ze ni notte  现在马上 只想赶快和你见面未知的以后  今すぐ キミに会いに行こう  i ma su gu,ki m...

2024-09-25 8 0



2024-09-25 9 0


未来的什么作文通用结尾    英文回答:    The future holds infinite possibilities and uncharted territories. It is a canvas painted with both trepidation and excitement, where dreams take flight and...

2024-09-25 8 0



2024-09-25 7 0


学习中的励志格言——激励你前行的句子dreams are my realityIn learning, there are many inspiring quotes that can motivate us to keep going and strive for success. Here are some of my favorite quotes that have helped me s...

2024-09-25 11 0


对于谈谈对心愿的看法作文    My View on Wishes.    英文回答:    Wishes are a fascinating aspect of human nature. They represent our desires, dreams, and aspirations. Wishes have the power...

2024-09-25 6 0


青春我与梦想相约作文    英文回答:    Youth and dreams are two inseparable companions. In our youth, we are filled with aspirations and ambitions, and it is during this time that we have the cour...

2024-09-25 10 0


梦想不只是空想作文600    英文回答:    Dreams are not just fantasies, they are the fuel that drives us to push boundaries, break barriers, and achieve the seemingly impossible. As a child, I use...

2024-09-25 9 0


把梦想托付给青春作文600字    英文回答:    Entrusting Dreams to Youth.dreams are my reality    Youth is a time of vitality, passion, and energy. It is also a time when we are full of dre...

2024-09-25 11 0


描写梦在天空中飞翔的作文结尾英文版Dreams are like birds soaring high in the sky, free and boundless. They take us to places we have never been, show us sights we have never seen, and make us feel emotions we have neve...

2024-09-25 13 0


青春追逐圆梦作文素材    英文回答:    Youth is a time of chasing dreams and pursuing passions. It is a period in life when we are full of energy, enthusiasm, and curiosity. During this time, we a...

2024-09-25 8 0


11篇九年级英语作文80词九年级英语作文80词1Everyone has hobbies.Hobbies are the important things in our life.I also have hobbies.Next,let me tell you.Exercise is my one hobby.I love sport.The more exercise I do,The more...

2024-09-25 12 0


同桌的英语作文带翻译    Title: My Tablemate's English Composition with Translation。dreams are my reality    ---。    The Power of Dreams。    Dreams are like stars in the n...

2024-09-25 10 0


苦干与梦想作文开头    英文回答:    Hard work and dreams are two important aspects of life that play a significant role in shaping our future. Both are essential for achieving success and fulfil...

2024-09-25 6 0


梦想永不过期的题记作文    英文回答:dreams are my reality    Dreams are the fuel that keeps us going, the spark that ignites our passion, and the compass that guides us towards our true purpose in...

2024-09-25 7 0


我不在是小孩英语作文    英文回答:    As I embark on the cusp of adulthood, I find myself confronted with the sobering realization that childhood's carefree days are irrevocably behind me. The tw...

2024-09-25 8 0


我愿做追梦的人作文700    英文回答:    I aspire to be a dream chaser because I believe that pursuing one's dreams is the key to a fulfilling and meaningful life. Dreams are what motivate us, ins...

2024-09-25 5 0


高一学生背诵之经典例句组一:1. I realize the only thing I can change is myself.我意识到我唯一能改变的就是我自己。2. Opportunity meets with preparation.好运总是垂青有准备的人。3. If you can’t imagine it, you can’t ever do it. In my experience t...

2024-09-25 9 0


运用反问和设问写关于梦想的作文    英文回答:    Dreams, what are they? They are the fuel that propels us forward, the visions that guide us through the darkness, and the hopes that keep us going. Drea...

2024-09-25 8 0


梦想让我展翅高飞读后感    英文回答:    Dreams are what keep us motivated and give us a sense of purpose in life. They are like wings that allow us to soar high and reach for the impossible. When...

2024-09-25 12 0


梦想与行动的双向奔赴作文    英文回答:    Dreams and actions are two essential components of achieving success and personal fulfillment. Dreams provide us with a vision and a sense of purpose, whil...

2024-09-25 10 0


梦想永不褪作文600字    英文回答:    Dreams are what keep us motivated and give us a sense of purpose in life. They are the fuel that drives us to work hard and overcome obstacles. Dreams are...

2024-09-25 10 0


梦想作文中的好词好句    英文回答:    Dreams are the fuel that keeps us going, the motivation that pushes us to strive for something greater. They are the visions that dance in our minds, the asp...

2024-09-25 10 0


温水煮了少年梦现实压垮少年肩作文英文版"Cooking Youth Dreams with Warm Water: Reality Weighs Down on Young Shoulders"In the youth of our lives, we all have dreams, aspirations, and hopes that are as vast as the open sky....

2024-09-25 9 0


一、怎样面对压力(How to Deal with Stress)  stress is a state of being upset that happens when we are under pressure. both our feelings and our bodies get upset. we can even get emotionally and physically...

2024-09-25 5 0


播撒希望种植梦想作文600字    英文回答:    Spreading hope and planting dreams are essential for a fulfilling life. They provide us with motivation, inspiration, and a sense of purpose. When we hav...

2024-09-25 9 0


有关建筑师梦想的作文    英文回答:    As an aspiring architect, my dreams are as grand as the structures I hope to one day design. Architecture has always captivated me, with its ability to trans...

2024-09-25 9 0

